I've got weevily things too. I saw the beetles earlier in the year and then my Chinese Cabbage wilted. Leaves have both noches and shot-holes. When I dug up 'em up there were bunches of little grubs around the roots of each plant clearly eating the roots.
Like ishmael said in this thread the beetles look just like vine weevils but from the descriptions I've seen they aren't big enough. I'd guess about 5mm for both beetles and grubs. And the grubs don't seem to have the orange heads that vine weevil grubs have. Maybe pea or bean weevils; do they like Chinese cabbage? Maybe they're vine weevils but just not growed up yet?!
I'd send a pic but my camera won't do extreme close-ups. If they are pea or bean weevils will vine-weevil biological control work on them?
Like ishmael said in this thread the beetles look just like vine weevils but from the descriptions I've seen they aren't big enough. I'd guess about 5mm for both beetles and grubs. And the grubs don't seem to have the orange heads that vine weevil grubs have. Maybe pea or bean weevils; do they like Chinese cabbage? Maybe they're vine weevils but just not growed up yet?!
I'd send a pic but my camera won't do extreme close-ups. If they are pea or bean weevils will vine-weevil biological control work on them?