Had a bit of an idea whilst walking the dog on the beach this morning.
As a new lottie owner I'm busy building raised beds for my veggie babies and am thinking about the approaching slug season and how to "deal" with the little buggers.
My thinking is this: I know you cannot remove sand from the beach, but I have been told that sand that blows into the road or car park is alright to collect. My theory being that a reasonable sca
ttering of car park sand around the outside of my veggie beds would deter our sluggy friends on two counts. The grittiness for one and the saltiness for two.
Waddayathink? Will I be breaking the law if the next time I take Beau to the beach I take a dustpan and brush and do a little judicial "tidying"?
As a new lottie owner I'm busy building raised beds for my veggie babies and am thinking about the approaching slug season and how to "deal" with the little buggers.
My thinking is this: I know you cannot remove sand from the beach, but I have been told that sand that blows into the road or car park is alright to collect. My theory being that a reasonable sca

Waddayathink? Will I be breaking the law if the next time I take Beau to the beach I take a dustpan and brush and do a little judicial "tidying"?