I cut my husbands hair for him every couple of months, and usually the trimmings go off to the council compost bin (don't have space for my own). I've read several places over the past couple of years about using trimmings of short hair to discourage slugs from eating your plants by spreading it down around on the soil, evidently the slugs do not enjoy the texture. I tried about everything else last year to keep them away with little success, so when I planted out my broad beans this year I thought I'd try the hair method.. and it's actually worked wonders! In one large container I have four beans surrounded by a good layer of hair about a two inches+ radius from each stem and two beans on open soil. The ones in open soil have a good number of munched leaves, and the one's surround by hair are untouched. Obviously it's still a bit early in slug season, but I was really amazed by the results. I really didn't think it would work.
If you don't cut hair at home I'm sure you could get bags of it from a local barbershop. I don't know how it will work on open ground, but well worth trying if you container garden (makes an interesting mulch if nothing else!).
If you don't cut hair at home I'm sure you could get bags of it from a local barbershop. I don't know how it will work on open ground, but well worth trying if you container garden (makes an interesting mulch if nothing else!).
