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Nemaslug - Before or After Manure?


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  • Nemaslug - Before or After Manure?

    Hi all,

    I'm just making up some beds for various veg and I've got some Nemaslug I'd like to use to treat them before I plant out my seedlings once they get a bit bigger.

    Is it too late to use Nemaslug? The instructions mention certain times of year.

    If it is okay to use it now is it best to do it before or after I mix some well rotted manure into the topsoil?

    Many Thanks,


  • #2
    You can use Nemaslug any time the soil temp is above 5 deg C which is pretty much any time from now until the autumn. Each application lasts a minimum of 6 weeks if that's any help. No idea re the manure bit but wouldn't have thought it would matter too much either way. On the occaisions I've used it, I've put an application on a few days before I've planted out so as to get the protection going but not waste it when nothing's there.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      I got confused when I first used it- because you are supposed to use it ASAP after it arrive- and store it in the fridge until then..with everyday it's not used more of the nematodes die off.. Maximum one month I believe...but I'd certainly not keep it that long!...not at that price!!!

      Trouble is that they're killed off by frost - so you need to apply it after the last which time I'd already planted out seedlings under fleece and it was tricky to apply around the plants ( tis a waste if watered onto the actual plant).
      Manuring should be done a few weeks before planting out- except for peas and spuds and courgettes/marrows. you see - it all depends on when it arrives- and the weather!!!

      I've not needed to use it for a while ( I used it for 2 consecutive years)...but next time I'd get the muck in earlier, and then water in the nemaslug and fleece the soil. Then a few days later plant out seedlings.
      It must be applied to damp soil too- so you may need to water it first- as the nematodes use the moisture to move about the soil hunting down slugs!

      I'm sure if you use 'Search' on here you'll find a conversation a while back with some expert advice from someone 'in the know'
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Thanks for the info Alison and Nicos.

        Originally posted by Nicos View Post
        Manuring should be done a few weeks before planting out- except for peas and spuds and courgettes/marrows.
        I was planning to plant peas in the beds! Should I not add manure if I'm planting peas?


        • #5
          Sorry..what I meant to say was that it's fine to add at the last minute with those veg!

          They are 'hungry feeders' ..and so are a few others which I can't think of right now!!
          Last edited by Nicos; 20-04-2009, 06:49 PM.
          "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

          Location....Normandy France


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nicos View Post
            Sorry..what I meant to say was that it's fine to add at the last minute with those veg!

            They are 'hungry feeders' ..and so are a few others which I can't think of right now!!

            I seeeeeeee!

            I must have been having a blonde moment!

            (No offence to any blondes! )


            • #7

              To start with I'd just thought i'd better state an interest as we sell Nemasys products, but I sent your questions to them at head office and this what they said....

              'It wouldn�t matter if it was applied before or after the manure'

              'The nematodes in Nemaslug are all viable up till the expiry date (usually three to four weeks), after than they will slowly start to die off as they are running out of their food reserves.'

              Hope this helps.




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