Blight of potatoes and tomatoes is one of the main concerns over the summer, especially with the very wet summers we've had for the last few years. So we thought it would be useful to have a resource that can be easily referred back to, with pictures and links, so that if your plants have symptoms you can check them against the pictures.
And if you're still unsure, this is the place to post questions and photos for a second opinion.
Feel free to add any info or links that I might have missed too. (If you post images that aren't your own, please credit the original website)
A very useful service is the Potato Council's Blightwatch, which you can sign up to using your postcode (and any neighbouring ones) to get alerts when Blight conditions have been met in your area so that you can be on the watch for symptoms, and/or spray your plants with Bordeaux mixture as a preventative. - the essential service for professional potato growers
You can also read lots of information about blight on the Potato Council's website, although it is aimed at commercial growers a lot of it is relevant for any potato grower
What is Potato Blight? | AHDB Potatoes
Here are some images for comparison, the links under the pictures have more information too;
Potato Blight

How to protect against potato blight

Potato blight - Problems: Veg & herbs -
Michigan Potato Diseases - Late Blight
And if you're still unsure, this is the place to post questions and photos for a second opinion.
Feel free to add any info or links that I might have missed too. (If you post images that aren't your own, please credit the original website)
A very useful service is the Potato Council's Blightwatch, which you can sign up to using your postcode (and any neighbouring ones) to get alerts when Blight conditions have been met in your area so that you can be on the watch for symptoms, and/or spray your plants with Bordeaux mixture as a preventative. - the essential service for professional potato growers
You can also read lots of information about blight on the Potato Council's website, although it is aimed at commercial growers a lot of it is relevant for any potato grower
What is Potato Blight? | AHDB Potatoes
Here are some images for comparison, the links under the pictures have more information too;
Potato Blight

How to protect against potato blight

Potato blight - Problems: Veg & herbs -
Michigan Potato Diseases - Late Blight