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Is It Blight?


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  • Thanks for your reply ForkHands. That's reasuring.

    We did have a very sunny and hot June, but July has been a total wash out. It would be a shame if I lost them because there are loads of tomotoes coming along. I'm quite excited.

    So do I need to do anything or will they be ok just left to their own devices?


    • Nahh, just leave them to get on with it, you could remove some of the lower leaves below the first truss if you want.

      I get blight every year, this year mine are in a greenhouse so fingers crossed.

      I find blight appears as dark patches on the leaves then spreads to the stem and you get brown patches on the tomatoes, don't confuse that with blossom end rot where you get black patches on the bottom of tomatoes due to irrregular watering.


      • Those grey splotches in picture 2 & 4 look like botrytis (grey mould) to me. In which case those bits need to be removed because it will spread from water/rain droplets. It can be as bad as blight if it gets hold, so make sure you remove every leaf which has it on.
        Last edited by SarzWix; 31-07-2009, 02:43 PM.


        • Thanks ForkHandles and SarzWix for your replies.

          I'll go and remove the offending leaves now. Phew, thank goodness it's not blight. That would have been so disappointing for my first venture at growing anything.



          • Hi Sunflower

            I've a greenhouse full of plants looking like this

            so I've been looking into blight/botrytis recently. I think I have botrytis rather than blight because the fungus (it first shows on the underneath of the leaf) is a grey/brown colour. Blight has more of a white fungus.

            This pic shows botrytis under the leaf...

            Botrytis on the top of the leaf often starts like this...

            The leaves in your pictures seem to have this two colour staining.

            This picture shows blight stains and the white furry fungus

            which doesn't seem like your pictures.

            BTW Botrytis is still a blight and is normally call Botrytis Blight or Grey Mould caused by the Botryitis Cinerea fungus.

            The Blight we call Blight is often called Potato Bight or Late Blight caused by the Phytophthora infestans fungus.

            There is also Early Blight caused by the Alternaria solani fungus.

            So in fact I think you (and I) do have blight but the more controllable Botrytis Blight.

            So don't panic - I'm not and mine are much worse than yours!!

            You must remove all infected leaves and fruit as soon as you see them. Bin them - do not compost. I'm spraying with dilute milk as a fungicide (see thread elsewhere). Wash hands after handing the plants. Try and improve ventilation.

            Good Luck!!
            Last edited by teakdesk; 31-07-2009, 05:57 PM.
            The proof of the growing is in the eating.
            Leave Rotten Fruit.
            Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potasium - potash.
            Autant de t�tes, autant d'avis!!!!!
            Il n'est si m�chant pot qui ne trouve son couvercle.


            • Thanks for the info teakdesk.

              My blemishes look like a conbination of several. I've got a bot confused. I have removed some of the affected leaves (pics 2 & 4). I will spray tomorrow.


              • Just had to harvest all my outdoor green tomatoes due to botrytis On the bright side a lovely friend has offered to make chutney for me

                Now I am paranoid about the greenhouse ones!

                One question does botrytis stay in the soil? Or is it airborne?
                Last edited by FionaH; 31-07-2009, 06:08 PM.
                WPC F Hobbit, Shire police


                • Blackening on Leaves and Stems of Outdoor Tomatoes

                  Have just checked some Tomato plants I have outdoors in large pots. Some are showing black marking on the leaves and some are now showing the same blackness on the main stem. The plants themselves look very healthy and the leaves are a dark green. I'm sure when I bought them as plants, they were apparantly supposed to be disease resistant??
                  Can someone give me the bad news please!!


                  • It doesn't sound brilliant rayj Unfortunately 'resistant' doesn't mean completely immune. If they're all affected, I guess you could just remove the splotched leaves and see what happens? They might keep growing a little while?


                    • Can sugar snap peas also get blight?

                      Hello all,

                      Thanks for this very useful thread. I've only found references to blight on tomatoes and potatoes but my sugar snap peas are showing signs that may be blight or some other disease. There are some tomatoes plants near by that look like they have blight, could they have spread to the peas? I've attached some photos of the leaves on the pea plants.

                      Thank you for any insight into this!

                      Attached Files


                      • I don't think peas can get blight, what yours are showing is more likely to be powdery mildew which they are a bit prone to.
                        Some info here; PEA POWDERY MILDEW SYMPTOMS
                        and you'll probably come up with lots more if you do a quick Google


                        • Thanks SarzWix for the prompt response!

                          That's a shame that the peas have become diseased but at least we've been having decent harvests during the last couple of months.


                          • Originally posted by taff View Post
                            I just made a batch of chutney with the green tomatoes that i salvaged this week, it all looks ok so far.
                            Cosmo & dibs
                            Have a look here, it'll give you an idea of the colour it is on a green tomato.I could show on the top, on the sie, anywhere really, and starts off as a small brownish spot. There may be dark brown/black patches on the stems, or on the truss stems, or black sooty-looking spots on the leaves.
                            Prevention the best approach to tomato late blight - Dig in with Kym
                            Thanks for the answer Taff, let us know if anything untoward does develop in your chutney!



                            • LOL!!
                              I currently making another lot too, so let's hope not eh?


                              • oh dear, it looks like I have tomato blight. Its all over the allotment so it was just a matter of time. That will be the third year running I have lost my entire crop of toms to it. At least we managed to lift our early spuds I am actually a bit upset. Never mind, I will have to save up to buy a greenhouse...and some land on which to put it. le sigh.
                                We plant the seed, nature grows the seed, we eat the seed - Neil, The Young Ones

                                Updated 21st July - please take a look


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