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Is It Blight?


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  • #46
    I had a few leaves on a stem that just died off from the lower part of the plant(light brown and crispy)- i'm a bit concerned about it really.

    Non off the other leaves have any problems though so maybe it's just a one off- i hope
    My Album, Progress so Far: -


    • #47

      I have removed all the leaves of some plants - but now i notice that the brown spots are on other plants (which seem to have appeared after heavy rain)

      I really am at a loss - I have searched picture but cant seem to find anything the same.

      So I have attached a photo to see if people have got any ideas.

      thanks for all help.
      Attached Files


      • #48
        Did you have any hail? Or was it just rain? It looks to me like it's either damage by being pelted with hail, or, the rain drops were sitting on the leaves and the sun came out and caused some scorching.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Peppertom View Post

          I have removed all the leaves of some plants - but now i notice that the brown spots are on other plants (which seem to have appeared after heavy rain).
          Mine are very similar - plus lower leaves are yellowing, and some stems have died off completely
          I tried giving them a tomato feed yesterday evening (don't have any epsom salts) - but all the 12 bags or so have the same thing to lesser or greater extent...



          • #50
            Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
            Did you have any hail? Or was it just rain? It looks to me like it's either damage by being pelted with hail, or, the rain drops were sitting on the leaves and the sun came out and caused some scorching.
            we had rain (no hail) but the rain was really heavy.

            do you think my potato crop would be damaged



            • #51
              Black Spots on Potato Leaves

              Can anyone enlighten me on why my very earl pots (rocket) have been growing well, but all of a sudden they have developed black spots on some of their leaves.

              It is a kind of speckled pattern and on all of the plants but not on every leaf.

              I have watered regularly of an evening and kept them as weed free as possible. A couple of times I have watered with one of those 'weed teas' I have read about, but mostly with water from the water butt.

              Are they diseased and will my crop be effected?

              Thanks all.


              • #52
                peppertom, the slight damage to the leaves shouldn't have any effect on the potatoes underground.

                salilah, how long have they been planted, and are they earlies or maincrops?


                • #53
                  Frana - I've merged your query as it is a popular one at the moment - have a read through and see if any of the advice given helps.


                  • #54
                    Brown Spots on Potato Foliage

                    Afternoon all!

                    I've found that two of my container grown potatoes have brown spots on their leaves and the foliage is wilting and turning yellow.

                    It's not appearing to have much effect on the crop - we enjoyed our first new potatoes for dinner last night

                    I don't believe it's any kind of serious blight or disease.

                    Is this some kind of deficiency such as potassium and how can I remedy it?

                    Hopefully the photos should show you more of the issue!

                    Attached Files


                    • #55
                      I am pretty sure I have blight. A couple of the 1st early Red Dukes of York's haulms have rotted into a slimy mess of yellow and green foliage, with black areas around the intersections of the stems. One of the potatoes have completely rotted on a plate where I was keeping them, over a week's time. While washing the potatoes I dug up yesterday, I found a few that had been damaged. While cutting the bad bits away to make bubble and squeak today, one of the potatoes when cut in half looks like a poster child for a blighted potato. :-(

                      Some of the Red Duke of York plants surrounding the infected plants had black freckles on them. I pulled them up, but the potatoes are still in the ground. I wasn't very careful about not disturbing the dirt so I guess those tubers are probably exposed. The plants themselves are on a pile to be burnt at a later date on the back of the plot. The one I found last week went into the regular compost pile. What should I do? Burn the regular compost?

                      I have about 100 plants.

                      These infected plants are surrounded by Blue Edzells which are ready, Charlottes and Belle de Fontenays that have been in flower for a couple of weeks. And at the other end of the potato patch, I have Pink Fir Apple and Picasso. Should I cut them all down and harvest the spuds beginning in a couple of weeks? Should I get a test kit for something so obvious? Should I start spraying? What's the safest spray? Are my tomatoes that I just planted going to die soon too?

                      Am I overreacting? Is this regular rot for 1st Earlies? lol.
                      Last edited by marigold007; 14-06-2009, 05:44 PM.


                      • #56
                        Hellooo? Any body??

                        *drops rock into deep well*


                        • #57
                          It doesn't sound too promising Marigold Can you get some photographs?
                          Tattieman sells a blight testing kit on his website, might be worth getting one, so that you know for sure.
                          In the meantime, cut off any affected foliage (don't compost it, burn it or put it in a bag in the normal bin), and you can spray with either Copper Fungicide (Bordeaux Mixture) or Dithane 945 to give your other potatoes and your toms a chance.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by sabina View Post
                            Afternoon all!

                            I've found that two of my container grown potatoes have brown spots on their leaves and the foliage is wilting and turning yellow.

                            It's not appearing to have much effect on the crop - we enjoyed our first new potatoes for dinner last night

                            I don't believe it's any kind of serious blight or disease.

                            Is this some kind of deficiency such as potassium and how can I remedy it?

                            Hopefully the photos should show you more of the issue!


                            How long have they been planted for? The foliage may just be dying down because the potatoes are ready?
                            If it's not that, try giving them a little feed with some tomato food.
                            Last edited by zazen999; 14-06-2009, 10:34 PM.


                            • #59
                              They were planted on 13th March. We decided to dig up one of the two plants which have the spots tonight to see what kind of yield we had - around 3 medium size potatoes and 4/5 tiny ones.

                              I've put some plant food into the container which holds the remaining brown spotty potato plant.

                              Any further diagnosis or advise would be much appreciated!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by SarzWix View Post
                                It doesn't sound too promising Marigold Can you get some photographs?
                                Tattieman sells a blight testing kit on his website, might be worth getting one, so that you know for sure.
                                In the meantime, cut off any affected foliage (don't compost it, burn it or put it in a bag in the normal bin), and you can spray with either Copper Fungicide (Bordeaux Mixture) or Dithane 945 to give your other potatoes and your toms a chance.
                                Hi SarzWix, I'm glad to hear that I don't need to chop down the lot! I'll go to the store in the morning and get some spray for sure. I am attaching a pic of half of the offending potato! It has gotten yuckier since this afternoon!

                                The bubble and squeak was awesome though!!
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by marigold007; 14-06-2009, 10:48 PM.


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