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home made pest deterent garlic and onion ?


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  • home made pest deterent garlic and onion ?

    I read somewhere on the internet about making a your spray using onions and garlic soaked for a few days then the liquid sprayed on to plants.
    How effective is this and has any body used this method would greatfull for any information as id like to try and keep my plants pesticide free if I can.
    Inside every older man is a younger man thinking what the heck happened

  • #2
    I used some garlic spray on the blackfly. They were back in force the next day. And if you do, wear gloves, my hands stunk for ages after. doh!


    • #3
      For an all rounder - you need:
      garlic, chilli and a little soft soap - whizz it all up with a good amount of water and filter it through a kitchen towel into a sprayer.

      Wear gloves when you spray - but it gets pretty much anything.

      Apparently my concoction is being used by the old boys on our plots after my neighbour was in the pub one night telling them how his brassicas were being massacred by caterpillars and mine 3 ft away were clean as a whistle. Legendary apparently.


      • #4
        Ooo, sounds good! Does it need to soak, and does it matter if the chilli is fresh or not? *eyes her beans hopefully*


        • #5
          Hi - what kind of soft soap do you use? Thanks
          A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


          • #6
            I use this soft soap [this is not my auction - just after a google search]
            CHEMPAK SOFT SOAP HORTICULTURAL & VETERINARY CLEANING on eBay (end time 22-Jun-09 22:48:42 BST)

            If you whizz it up in a food processor, you don't need to soak it. It can be fresh chili or ground cayenne pepper, anything that is hot [tabasco etc]...


            • #7
              Got it! thanks
              A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill except for learning how to grow in rows


              • #8
                Thanks guys for the heads up im off to make my concoction now
                Inside every older man is a younger man thinking what the heck happened


                • #9
                  I'd suggest make it at night, and filter overnight outdoors....from experience it stinks the house out.


                  • #10
                    Hi. I read that if you boil rhubarb leaves & use the water with soap flakes mixed into it, it is meant to be a good spray. Havnt tried it myself yet. Lizzie


                    • #11
                      Funny you should bring this up Lizzie - I saw caterpillars on my nasturtiums this week so I'm in the middle of making my garlic and chilli spray right now. Nosehairs are twitching so I know it's strong.


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