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Pretty Weed? ID Please!


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  • Pretty Weed? ID Please!

    Found this little thing growing through one of the many cracks in the concrete in my garden.

    The weeds in the cracks rarely get to the flowering stage but clearly I have been neglecting my weed clearing duties in favour of growing veg!

    Can anyone tell me what it is? It's very pretty!

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  • #2
    That's a self sown petunia. Very pretty. Did you have hanging baskets near there last year? I've seen them growing in the pavements round here but can't get them to grow from seed for the life of me - maybe I'm being too kind to them?


    • #3
      Originally posted by rustylady View Post
      That's a self sown petunia. Very pretty. Did you have hanging baskets near there last year? I've seen them growing in the pavements round here but can't get them to grow from seed for the life of me - maybe I'm being too kind to them?

      We've been here about 18 months and I've never grown Petunias.

      The lady who owned the house before us had a few hanging baskets up but they were all just full of stagnant water when we moved in.

      It never fails to amaze me when this sort of thing appears in a little crack in the ground where it's had absolutely no nurturing and at the very least I must have trod on it! It's like when we had a gorgeous fuchsia coloured snap dragon spring up on a pile of rubbly soil at the bottom of the garden.

      I think maybe it is too much kindness with some of these things! My courgettes seemed to be faring much better earlier on in the season when I was too busy to fuss over them. Now they look like they are on their way out!


      • #4
        Birds will often drop gifts of flowers. We have cosmia in our garden this year that I didn't sow. These often make the hardiest and loveliest plants.


        • #5
          My favourite freebies are lobelia - it self seeds from my summer tubs - and a little daisy-like plant called erigeron karvonskianus. These now grow between paths and walls. They seem to manage on the minimum of soil and water!
          Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

 Updated March 9th - Spring


          • #6
            I've got lobelia and viola growing in my paving cracks ...
            All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


            • #7
              I have three Buddleia bushes that the birds gave me - and that Mallow plant that some of you may remember from the Flower thread

              Lovely kind birds


              • #8
                I've got a cotoneaster (sp?) growing up under the trees in the back garden that I certainly haven't planted And if I had planted it, I'm sure it would have objected to being put in between a Sumach (stag's antlers) and a leylandii monster!
                Last edited by SarzWix; 25-07-2009, 10:37 PM.


                • #9
                  oh how I love that word cotoneaster - I bought one early on into our marriage and SD (in total innocence) pronouced it cotton easter - he did, really he did - bless him

                  They are hence known as cotton easters in the SD household


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by piskieinboots View Post
                    oh how I love that word cotoneaster - I bought one early on into our marriage and SD (in total innocence) pronouced it cotton easter - he did, really he did - bless him

                    They are hence known as cotton easters in the SD household
                    I used to pronounce it that way until I learned the error of my ways!

                    PS Used to pronounce 'Graves' wine as it's spelled also. Asking for a bottle of Graves never DID sound right!!!!
                    Last edited by Snadger; 26-07-2009, 08:50 AM.
                    My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                    to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                    Diversify & prosper


                    • #11
                      He he he, me and dad call them that in front of my auntie, it winds her up no end


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Snadger View Post
                        PS Used to pronounce 'Graves' wine as it's spelled also. Asking for a bottle of Graves never DID sound right!!!!
                        Drink Merlot(w) instead


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