Hi. first time on forum with some thing to say, hope i'm not out of order with a tiny complaint.
I planted mr fothergills "f1 flyaway carrot seeds " in a purpose built bed 40 inches off the ground,ie in a tall box. so that ,even if thay were'n't carrot fly resistant they were ouy of harms way,, and guess what? you got it, I've just dumped the lot, riddled with the blighters. So, does anyone know how to grow carrots? I've been trying for 3 years now without success.
I planted mr fothergills "f1 flyaway carrot seeds " in a purpose built bed 40 inches off the ground,ie in a tall box. so that ,even if thay were'n't carrot fly resistant they were ouy of harms way,, and guess what? you got it, I've just dumped the lot, riddled with the blighters. So, does anyone know how to grow carrots? I've been trying for 3 years now without success.