Apologies if this is a repeat, but I originally posted yesterday evening when the forum had identity problems and I think my original post has vanished ...
As I have discovered that chopping slugs in two can lead to a smaller half-sized slug running about your garden (and a gunky mess approx the size of the other half), I'm going for the drowning option. And I can see everyone's argument for salty water, but I think I expect them to fizz like alka seltzers and writhe in horrible agony so am using cheap lager and letting them drown themselves happy.
My question was whether anyone has ever tried cider for their slug traps? After all, generic cider comes in 2 litre bottles and is cheaper!
If no-one has tried it, I might just do a scientific trial ...
As I have discovered that chopping slugs in two can lead to a smaller half-sized slug running about your garden (and a gunky mess approx the size of the other half), I'm going for the drowning option. And I can see everyone's argument for salty water, but I think I expect them to fizz like alka seltzers and writhe in horrible agony so am using cheap lager and letting them drown themselves happy.
My question was whether anyone has ever tried cider for their slug traps? After all, generic cider comes in 2 litre bottles and is cheaper!
If no-one has tried it, I might just do a scientific trial ...
