but on closer inspection realised it was something else.
If looking at the leaves in the sunlight, they appear mottled - which is what made me think of whitefly. However, if you turn the leaves over and look underneath they have what I first thought were eggs.
When I rubbed the leaves to try and remove the 'eggs', the leaves felt rough and the 'eggs' are like little raised 'spots' or pimples.
Any ideas?
Other than that, the plant looks healthy enough.
If looking at the leaves in the sunlight, they appear mottled - which is what made me think of whitefly. However, if you turn the leaves over and look underneath they have what I first thought were eggs.
When I rubbed the leaves to try and remove the 'eggs', the leaves felt rough and the 'eggs' are like little raised 'spots' or pimples.
Any ideas?
Other than that, the plant looks healthy enough.