Hi Guys!
This is my 2nd post on Grapevine and as you people are all so lovely, I feel safe to ask this probably stupid and been answered a million times question! Appologies if it's long winded!
I'm new to this having my own garden thing but now I have, I've been busy planting away! Got some indoor seedlings of leeks, toms & basil and
some small mint plants in pots outdoors. In my veg patch I have carrots (not yet sprouted and not v hopeful that they will!) and some garlic and onion sets (red baron) growing away nicely with more stuff to be added once I get paid!
I have also planted up my borders a bit with snowdrops, foxgloves (1st yr plant I think), crocuses, allium bulbs, an aubrieta and a lovely little blue plant who's name escapes me!
My problem is that I am getting totally swapped with slugs of all shapes and sizes, including some beasts about 4/5" long! I've been going out with my tourch at night and picking the little monsters but it's getting a bit silly!
So far my foxglove is full of holes, snowdrops are getting smaller everyday (went out last night and saw a little one hanging off the end of a leaf!) but my biggest victim is my beautiful aubrieta!
It is basically falling apart. Originally I blamed the birds as I put it by their feeders and I thought maybe they were squishing it but last night I discovered the truth. I found AT LEAST 8 tiny slugs mobbing my poor little plant, eating the leaves and petals!
I'm really annoyed as I've got all these plants to try and attract bugs and insects, I don't want them trashed before they've even had chance to grow and I'm worried my veggies are next on the menu!
So, I didn't want to kill them (might sound stupid but I'm vegetarian and it just don't feel right!) but this going out with a tourch thing just isn't working and they're pushing it now!
I wondered about salt - can I leave it on the ground or do I have to actually pour it on a slug? (don't want to hear them screaimg 'murderer' at me!) Will it affect my plants/veg/birds/any other bugs or wildlife in the garden?
Is there any friendlier options? I hear the beer thing is no good because beneficial beetles etc can end up in it?
Any advice to get rid of these trouble makers in the friendliest and/or most effective way would be very welcomed!
Emily & her poor plants
This is my 2nd post on Grapevine and as you people are all so lovely, I feel safe to ask this probably stupid and been answered a million times question! Appologies if it's long winded!
I'm new to this having my own garden thing but now I have, I've been busy planting away! Got some indoor seedlings of leeks, toms & basil and
some small mint plants in pots outdoors. In my veg patch I have carrots (not yet sprouted and not v hopeful that they will!) and some garlic and onion sets (red baron) growing away nicely with more stuff to be added once I get paid!
I have also planted up my borders a bit with snowdrops, foxgloves (1st yr plant I think), crocuses, allium bulbs, an aubrieta and a lovely little blue plant who's name escapes me!
My problem is that I am getting totally swapped with slugs of all shapes and sizes, including some beasts about 4/5" long! I've been going out with my tourch at night and picking the little monsters but it's getting a bit silly!
So far my foxglove is full of holes, snowdrops are getting smaller everyday (went out last night and saw a little one hanging off the end of a leaf!) but my biggest victim is my beautiful aubrieta!

I'm really annoyed as I've got all these plants to try and attract bugs and insects, I don't want them trashed before they've even had chance to grow and I'm worried my veggies are next on the menu!
So, I didn't want to kill them (might sound stupid but I'm vegetarian and it just don't feel right!) but this going out with a tourch thing just isn't working and they're pushing it now!
I wondered about salt - can I leave it on the ground or do I have to actually pour it on a slug? (don't want to hear them screaimg 'murderer' at me!) Will it affect my plants/veg/birds/any other bugs or wildlife in the garden?
Is there any friendlier options? I hear the beer thing is no good because beneficial beetles etc can end up in it?
Any advice to get rid of these trouble makers in the friendliest and/or most effective way would be very welcomed!
Emily & her poor plants
