A week or so ago I noticed about three of my purple sprouting broccoli was wilting really badly. I thought I spotted some whitefly on the undersides of the leaves, but despite having washed them off, the plants completely died.
I pulled them up today and found these disgusting little maggoty things on the roots, which I'm wondering is cabbage root maggot?
I did google it and it seems they like cool, wet conditions, and it's certainly been cool and wet here in Edinburgh for the last month or so. And it's a clay soil, even though I dug in compost and some "well-rotted farmyard manure" from the garden centre before I put the brassicas in.
It's only a very tiny patch of ground my brassicas are in (need to get rid of all the grass!). I think a neighbouring pointed cabbage is now starting to wilt, and possibly my one remaining broccoli. I've only got one broccoli and three cabbage left in that patch now, along with about two kohl rabi and some leeks, and I really want to know how to clear these dratted maggots out completely and save my other plants there.
Also, do these disgusting things spread to tatties? Cause my brassicas are right next to the tattie patch and I'd be gutted if they die as well!!
I really don't know what to do with this wee patch of ground if all the brassicas get attacked, like, how to clean it out, get rid of the little blighters and make sure they never come back, so if anyone can advise me what to do here, I'd be so grateful!
Of course, something was GOING to go wrong ... This is my first year of trying to grow veg, and that bit of ground has never been used before. I'm wondering whether to just build another enclosed square foot bed over it, filled with compost, and ignore that stupid bit of soil *sigh*
Yours despondently,
I pulled them up today and found these disgusting little maggoty things on the roots, which I'm wondering is cabbage root maggot?
I did google it and it seems they like cool, wet conditions, and it's certainly been cool and wet here in Edinburgh for the last month or so. And it's a clay soil, even though I dug in compost and some "well-rotted farmyard manure" from the garden centre before I put the brassicas in.
It's only a very tiny patch of ground my brassicas are in (need to get rid of all the grass!). I think a neighbouring pointed cabbage is now starting to wilt, and possibly my one remaining broccoli. I've only got one broccoli and three cabbage left in that patch now, along with about two kohl rabi and some leeks, and I really want to know how to clear these dratted maggots out completely and save my other plants there.
Also, do these disgusting things spread to tatties? Cause my brassicas are right next to the tattie patch and I'd be gutted if they die as well!!
I really don't know what to do with this wee patch of ground if all the brassicas get attacked, like, how to clean it out, get rid of the little blighters and make sure they never come back, so if anyone can advise me what to do here, I'd be so grateful!
Of course, something was GOING to go wrong ... This is my first year of trying to grow veg, and that bit of ground has never been used before. I'm wondering whether to just build another enclosed square foot bed over it, filled with compost, and ignore that stupid bit of soil *sigh*
Yours despondently,