I have been getting GYO for a year now & have just found over the fence, hello everyone. We have been building a house for the past 5+ years, in this time I've had to let my garden go a bit, husband keeps saying hes bringing the digger in so I put off doing it, however now the fruit area is overrun with wild strawberries & hardy geraniums and the dandy's are getting ready to invade what will be the veg patch. However my main concern is an infestation of bindweed that has been made 10 times worse by the digging of foundations & dumping of the spoil, which has spread it all over the place, it got to the top of the beech hedge 2 years ago (the bindweed not the digger), I was horrifed when I found it, so last year I dug, pulled & sprayed, seemed on top, but its back, its everywhere again - What do I do? Keep pulling and digging?