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My Chilli plant is dying


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  • My Chilli plant is dying

    Hi everyone,
    I've never grown chillis before but I planted one and it was doing really well. It started flowering and then some greenfly came along so I sprayed it with a soap/tea solution. About the same time I fed it some miracle grow and a few days later flowers and leaves started dropping off even though they seemed healthy. Now there are small black spots on the leaves and some a curling up. Any help please? Hopefully I've atached some pics
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I really don't agree with spraying with soap, it does the leaves no good at all. If you do, you must use soft soap, not anything like Fairy.

    To deal with greenfly, just squish them with your fingers
    All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


    • #3
      First of all welcome to the Vine.

      Is the plant in a greenhouse/conservatory? Did you spary them during the day? Have you possibly scorched the leaves? When spraying plants whether with soap, water or other liquids, you mustn't do it during the heat of the day as this can cause scorching to leaves.

      That said, I've no idea what the problem is with your plant but I'm sure someone with more experience will be along shortly with a better idea. Hope you manage to revitalise it.

      Good luck

      P.S. It might be worth asking one of the mods to move this to the Vegging out section as you will probably get more replies, as not everyone reads the pest section all the time but most of the veggy growers pop into Vegging out at least a million times each day - it can be addictive
      Last edited by reetnproper; 29-07-2011, 10:00 AM. Reason: Had another thought


      • #4
        I think you overdid the spraying. It may recover and send out new leaves. Be careful not to overwater.


        • #5
          Originally posted by reetnproper View Post
          That said, I've no idea what the problem is with your plant but I'm sure someone with more experience will be along shortly with a better idea. Hope you manage to revitalise it.

          I have - it's whatever was sprayed on the leaves; too strong and they have absorbed it and aren't happy.


          • #6
            Thank you reetnproper. I did spray them in the morning before I went to work so maybe that was the problem. Thanks for the advice about where to post too.
            Last edited by Dougalogic; 29-07-2011, 01:43 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by rustylady View Post
              I think you overdid the spraying. It may recover and send out new leaves. Be careful not to overwater.
              thanks looks like there's a few agreed! Will chuck the spray solution.


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