I've just been reading a lovely book called Spade, Skirrit and Parsnip: The Curious History of Vegetables from Alan Sutton.
Full of fascinating info but this sobering facts caught my eye
in 1977 Laurence D Hills "unveils the slug trap, filled with a mixture of 1 part beer to 2 of water, sweetened with 1 dessert spoon of barbardos sugar to 1 pint of the mixture. Hills reported the capture of 60,000 slugs in one garden in a year".
60,000!!! It didn't say what he did with his slug carcase mountain.
I've not tried beer traps as have been worried about beetles falling in, does the twig thing work, do they manage to climb out? Looks worth trying, puts my hand picking 10-20 a day right in the shade.
And the little blighters are in my greenhouse too and have discovered their gourmet tastes in basil seedlings, as I couldn't dig a beer trap in would they investigate a shallow plate filled with the brew?
I've just been reading a lovely book called Spade, Skirrit and Parsnip: The Curious History of Vegetables from Alan Sutton.
Full of fascinating info but this sobering facts caught my eye
in 1977 Laurence D Hills "unveils the slug trap, filled with a mixture of 1 part beer to 2 of water, sweetened with 1 dessert spoon of barbardos sugar to 1 pint of the mixture. Hills reported the capture of 60,000 slugs in one garden in a year".
60,000!!! It didn't say what he did with his slug carcase mountain.
I've not tried beer traps as have been worried about beetles falling in, does the twig thing work, do they manage to climb out? Looks worth trying, puts my hand picking 10-20 a day right in the shade.
And the little blighters are in my greenhouse too and have discovered their gourmet tastes in basil seedlings, as I couldn't dig a beer trap in would they investigate a shallow plate filled with the brew?