Never heard of the lemons trick - might try it! I thought they used it on vampires!
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Cat problem in raised beds
Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
Ha, same problem here, about 4 cats used to do the rounds. I guess different things work on different cats! I found where they were getting in and sprayed 'cat off' over the area and on the gravel paths between the beds, I've not had any problems since, that was in February. I think I might need to spray again though, as I want to give them the message loud and clear.
This might work it works on foxes it sounds gruesome but is safe if you can save some of your wee wee then sprinkle it round the outside of the beds
it is not a wind up it worked on foxes for mejacob
What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
Ralph Waide Emmerson
Ah but you're a bloke. Man wee has a threatening aura - girlie wee has different hormones and they're not scared of us ('cos we're pussy cats?)Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring
I have the same problem too.just about everyone around here has a cat,myself included.My problem is im too soft to scare them off or anything like that.I did hear about a scaredy cat plant once but I dont know its proper name.I'd like to get hold of some to see if they work.Apparently cats and foxes dont like the smell and they work well in an organic garden.I just wouldnt want it to put my cat off so much that he doesnt come home!Same with the neighbours cats,I like them visiting!
I was adopted by a stray a couple of years ago and her friends are always over visiting too -I'm reliably informed that mothballs crushed up around the area work, and will withstand a shower though not a torrential downpour. You apparently only need to do it for a little while, they soon get the idea and find a new loo! I'm not sure how effective it is as yet, it's only been a couple of days but so far so good! I think I may invest in some kebab sticks too, less smelly!Life may not be the party we hoped for but since we're here we might as well dance
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