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Cat problem in raised beds


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  • Cat problem in raised beds

    Hi there

    Can anyone pls help a newcomer with a moggie problem?

    I have built some new raised beds for my veggies and before I could even get my first seeds in, the local cat started using them as his own public convenience!

    I have covered the beds with some home-made mini cages for now, but they're not ideal as it takes 2 people to lift them off for weeding etc.

    Does anyone know of a better way to keep the cats off my veggies?


  • #2
    Am having problems at the moment too as next door have recently got a new cat and it's having a turf (or bed!) war with mine. Currently I have put a load of canes at all angles in to make it difficult for the moggy and am keeping the hose at the ready for when I see him in action. Hoping I'll be able to train it out of it in the same way as I have managed with my own but it's really bugging me at the moment.

    Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

    Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


    • #3
      I bought some expanding willow trellis from instore ( poundstretchers) and have put that over the top of my veg beds. It cost me �3.00 each section, but I imagine it will last me for a couple of years. I have three cats of my own, and there must be at least 15 other cats round here. So far it has worked fine.
      Jules AKA Inca'smum


      • #4
        hi there!
        im having the same problem at the mo too!
        ive put netting over but i know it wont do much good,
        ive also tried to collect brambles etc to put round the beds but its more of a pain in the arse for me than it is for the cats!
        ar ethere any smells that they hate?
        ill have a look!
        cheers will get back to you,


        • #5
          hi again!

          i 've found out a few bits of info that may help!
          you can buy plenty of sprays etc but natural remedies include
          citrus, cats dont like the smell so you can put lemon or orange peal round your beds,
          or cayene pepper, coffee grounds , pipe tobacco, lavender oil, lemon grass oil, citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, and mustard oil.

          i think im going to try out a few of these this evening and lay in wait, hose in hand ready for the hairy b*****S!
          hope its of some help,
          cheers buttercup


          • #6
            Hi Jules,
            Welcome to the Vine.
            Like you on day one of making my new raised beds, cats decended and *Used* the new beds. Grrrrrrrrrr.
            So, off I went to my local *Cheapie Store* and bought several packets of kebab sticks. Stuck them in the ground (Point Upwards) and \O/ hey presto NO MORE Cat Parcels
            "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


            • #7
              Ooops got booted off line before attaching photo
              Photo shows my little *Cat Daggers* planted all over the place
              Attached Files
              Last edited by LaurenGrows; 19-04-2007, 04:12 PM. Reason: Forgot to add words
              "A good gardener always plants 3 seeds - one for the bugs, one for the weather and one for himself.� - Leo Aikman


              • #8
                Good luck, I've tried all sorts and nothing seems to work permanently. Smelly stuff (citrus) works for a while but wears off, pepper only works till it rains or you water, Water sprays work but you need to be there most of the time and if (like me) you work full time the little bu***rs seem to know when it's safe to use the garden.


                • #9
                  Shoot the b*ggers !!!!!

                  British by birth
                  Scottish by the Grace of God



                  • #10
                    I've used kebab sticks to good effect, but it does worry me if I should trip over or slip (not an unknown happening even when no drink taken) and get one in the eye or something. Still it does work so have just stuck to being very careful where I'm using them.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sewer rat View Post
                      Shoot the b*ggers !!!!!
                      That's not nice!

                      Hows about blackberry/bramble twigs? I've heard this does the trick as the cats dont like the thorny bit when they.......sorry won't go into detail - you know what I mean!

                      Bernie aka Dexterdog
                      Bernie aka DDL

                      Appreciate the little things in life because one day you will realise they are the big things


                      • #12
                        Your raised beds look good Lauren.
                        I fenced my kitchen garden off. I had to. We have the pesky deer around us and they eat everything. It was very expensive - but it does keep cats and foxes out too.

                        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                        • #13
                          Hi everyone

                          Thanks so much for all your advice. Sorry I haven't logged on before, but I've been spending all my time on my new hobby! Have now got dozens of tomato plants potted up, and chillies and peppers, and courgetttes too. In my new beds (still covered in cages) I have broad beans, radish, lettuces and spring onion....whoooo!!! Am going to try the kebab sticks at the weekend. thanks again.


                          • #14
                            Four cats have adopted us and I simply put lots of twigs in the newly planted areas until the veg becomes big enough to not need the protection.


                            • #15
                              I have had problems with cats at various places I have lived. The only thing that has ever worked for sure has been to buy bags of lemons, cut them in half, squeeze over the area then dump the lemons. Takes a few go's to work but they have never came back. Is cheap method too.

                              I like the kebab stick idea too though.



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