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Caterpillars in the Greenhouse!


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  • Caterpillars in the Greenhouse!

    I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I opened up and saw my kale seedlings full of holes. I had to go along and rub at least two tiny (about 2-3mm long) caterpillars off each leaf. I net my brassicas on the plot, but didn't realise the little blighters got inside the greenhouse too! Are these likely to be cabbage whites? I couldn't see any yellow eggs on any of the leaves.

    (I also found a 7cm long slug on the inside of the kitchen window this morning, but that's another story).

  • #2
    Probably not cabbage whites, but any caterpillar will eat almost anything.


    • #3
      Your caterpillars are tiny today, but in a few days they'd be the big ones that you see on the plot. I went up to pick kale yesterday which had been in full leaf: but they were just skeletons, absolutely covered in caterpillars and their black poo.

      There are 3 caterpillars that attack brassicas:

      - large white
      - small white
      - cabbage moth

      They are all attracted by the scent of the brassica and will get through a teeny tiny gap to lay eggs on them.
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Last year I grew kale unnetted, no problems with either pigeons or caterpillars. This year everything seems to want to eat my veg before I do! My pak choi looks like your kale, but I suspect that's slugs. I will continue my morning sortie until they go out on the plot.

        I had my summer cabbage netted but have taken that off as the poor light we've had has meant very little growth, they are only just starting to heart up now, whereas last year i was eating them from mid june onwards. So now I'm on a daily caterpillar rustle (the robin loves me). The price we pay for chemical free veg eh?
        Last edited by Pinfold Plotter; 27-08-2012, 08:54 AM.


        • #5
          They certainly do leave the kale until last, but they'll eat it if there's nothing else available. My green manure (caliente mustard) has also been stripped by CWs
          All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


          • #6
            If you are ventilating they will be in. I've been cattapillar squashing with a vengence this week in the tunnel and they are small and large white's.(I'm taking a pair of magnifying specs out there with me this morning so I can spot the b*ggers more easily.)

            I was pleased to see a Peacock butterfly taking a rest in there yeterday, though. I have seen so few of any sort this year so far.
            "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

            PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!


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