I have been googling if anything will help,how to at least control horse tail,i came across a thread about using tagetes minuta/mexican marigold,this i grew from seed last year,floweres late summer,and stinks,it is said that some weed roots will not tollerate it,where it was growing there were no weeds,last week i noticed a few self setters around,so am going to dig them up and replant in the infested patch,then wait and see,i read that by pulling it up,it increases the growth,as it sprouts several shoots from the 1 bit you pulled,and it was better to simply chop,hoe it,maybe in the neat cut it seals the end of more
,next time i go lottie,i will have a good observation,as to what has/has not,grown amongst the grass and weeds,got me thinking now,has anyone else grew these plants,and what you find,
Done some searching,apparently {kale and rape work,the weeds it supposed to kill are couch grass,wild morning glory,ground elder,ground ivy,horse tail,and other chronic weeds,that defy nearly all poisons,}

Done some searching,apparently {kale and rape work,the weeds it supposed to kill are couch grass,wild morning glory,ground elder,ground ivy,horse tail,and other chronic weeds,that defy nearly all poisons,}