The bottom of my garden is a strip 6-8' wide by about 40' long of brambles and blackthorn scrub. My neighbours helpfully chopped most of it down for me 2 years ago, but as I have no access to either a skip or a vehicle for taking it all to the tip it took me the best part of a year to dispose of it all via 2 green bins and a couple of bonfires. So it's all growing back and the blackthorn is suckering through the lawn......
I can't get any machinery into the garden to dig up the stumps and the ground is a solid mass of roots so digging with a spade is not easy (for me anyway), the blackthorn in the lawn is controlled by mowing and I have no idea what I will do when it gets into the raised beds, but can I chop the whole lot down to ground level again a bit at a time to allow for disposal and then cover it with weed suppressing fabric? I was intending to get the heavy duty black stuff, leaving it on for a year and then digging the ground over with plenty of manure and compost, but having mentioned it to my neighbour I've been given some of the lightweight woven grey stuff. Will that work double thickness or will the brambles and blackthorn get through it?
Does anyone have any other suggestions?
I can't get any machinery into the garden to dig up the stumps and the ground is a solid mass of roots so digging with a spade is not easy (for me anyway), the blackthorn in the lawn is controlled by mowing and I have no idea what I will do when it gets into the raised beds, but can I chop the whole lot down to ground level again a bit at a time to allow for disposal and then cover it with weed suppressing fabric? I was intending to get the heavy duty black stuff, leaving it on for a year and then digging the ground over with plenty of manure and compost, but having mentioned it to my neighbour I've been given some of the lightweight woven grey stuff. Will that work double thickness or will the brambles and blackthorn get through it?
Does anyone have any other suggestions?