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which mesh/ netting...


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  • which mesh/ netting...

    should I use to keep out cabbage white butterflies? I got some enviromesh last year which went ovr my bed of carrots, and some larger mesh (?20mm) which did a reasonable job of stopping the %$�ing pigeons, but the brassicas got munched.

    what size mesh should work?

  • #2
    I think butterfly netting is 7mm sq but I bought debris netting instead after it was recommended here on the vine.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • #3
      Debris netting is ideal, but you have to sew up the larger 1" holes (where builders cable-tie it to scaffolding)
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        A work colleague had a delivery from Harrod today, I had a sneaky peek - as you do! I saw some lovely netting for the butterflies, he said it was 7mm squares, and I beleive he said only �12 is for 4mt x 5mt
        That would do my brassica bed nicely! I'm gonna have a look!

        I used 13mm in the past and actually watched a cabbage white butterfly squeeze through the hole. grrrr!
        <*}}}>< Jonathan ><{{{*>


        • #5
          What do people think about the idea that veggie mesh will also keep out cabbage root fly (which seem to be an absolute nightmare here) or do you just use collars and less expensive mesh?
          "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

          PS. I just don't have enough time to say hello to everyone as they join so please take this as a delighted to see you here!


          • #6
            Just thought i'd let you know of a site I've used recently. They do ultra fine insect netting which i'm sure would work to keep the butterflies off and would also keep the cabbage root fly out - Insect Netting Mesh 125gsm & 60gsm White 1m wide & 2m wide.
            . I would say this would be your best bet!
            They also sell debris netting these other members have suggested might work.
            Hope this helps.


            • #7
              I have decided to go for debris netting this year.

              This site has been recommended by AllotmentDiary Dan (look him up on youtube - great videos)

              Scaffolding Supplies Direct : Debris Netting, Scaffold Netting, Scaffold Sheeting and much more

              I will be ordering mine at the end of the month (after payday) as I don't think I will be planting out anything that needs protection until then.

     Latest Blog Entries Friday 13 Mar 2015 - Sowing Update


              • #8
                Originally posted by Two_Sheds View Post
                Debris netting is ideal, but you have to sew up the larger 1" holes (where builders cable-tie it to scaffolding)
                Yes! I didn't sew up the bigger holes and a few squeezed in but even then my brassicas have done really well.

                I've had many plot neighbours admiring how well my psb and kale have done under it this year!

                Phone a local scaffolding company and see if they supply it or ask if they can tell you there supplier.


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