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Slug Hunting.


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  • #91
    Last night 291 of which 86 were on the strawberries
    Le Sarramea


    • #92
      Been a bit unenthusiastic, but since the last post it has been 188, 128, 208.
      Le Sarramea


      • #93
        Back in the groove - 178 and five vine weevils.
        Le Sarramea


        • #94
          Good grief. If only you could make a nice soup with them or something.


          • #95
            I do make a lovely salty soup each night. Does pong a bit.

            78 tonight, 33 last night.

            And two lovely big toads.
            Le Sarramea


            • #96
              What type of weighting scale do you use to check weight of Slugs? Weighting is really sensitive task specially for hunters and business concerns.
              Last edited by Edward Ronald; 22-06-2013, 05:29 AM.


              • #97
                Last night 158. Any weight will do.
                Le Sarramea


                • #98
                  That is an impressive body count! I counted from my beer traps last year, my most was 242 in a week (not bad for a small garden in town).

                  All my neighbours have paved gardens so I expect that's why the slugs come to party in the paradise I have created for them.

                  Does anyone have a good suggestion of an alternative to beer in traps? In the past I have always used cheapo supermarket 25p/can lager, but I can't seem to get it in ASDA/Tesco/Sainsburys anymore, I think they have stopped selling it.

                  I'm on a budget so I don't want to waste any good stuff on the slugs, and they don't seem to like cider.

                  I fear I'm too late to save my beans and squashes anyway, they have been completely munched and are now pretty much leafless. Looks like I'll be on a nasturtium diet all summer as it's the only thing that's survived in my veg patch!


                  • #99
                    Hello Owlet and welcome to the Vine.

                    I don't have an alternative for your beer traps as I don't use them. They get full too quickly and we have lots of ground beetles who tend to fall in too! It may be worth posting the question in a new thread as I guess a lot of the Grapes don't read my slug fest
                    Last edited by PyreneesPlot; 23-06-2013, 10:54 AM.
                    Le Sarramea


                    • I read the Slug Count avidly - and think myself exceedingly lucky
                      Hi Owlet and welcome. Have you asked in your local for some beer dregs? As long as you don't look like a wino they may give you some!


                      • Originally posted by Owlet View Post

                        Does anyone have a good suggestion of an alternative to beer in traps? In the past I have always used cheapo supermarket 25p/can lager, but I can't seem to get it in ASDA/Tesco/Sainsburys anymore, I think they have stopped selling it.
                        Owlet I've read somewhere that you can use yeast instead of beer plus if you've a Tesco near they give yeast away for free, you just have to ask for some at the bread counter.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • Thanks for your ideas!

                          Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                          I read the Slug Count avidly - and think myself exceedingly lucky
                          Hi Owlet and welcome. Have you asked in your local for some beer dregs? As long as you don't look like a wino they may give you some!
                          I must admit I also found it compulsive reading this afternoon, after all I did read through 10 pages. I'm now happy in the knowledge that I am not the only person to count my slugs

                          Originally posted by Bren In Pots
                          Owlet I've read somewhere that you can use yeast instead of beer plus if you've a Tesco near they give yeast away for free, you just have to ask for some at the bread counter.
                          Wow that's amazing! I had no idea Tesco would do anything half so generous, will certainly go on the scrounge next time I'm there. I'd not heard of using yeast rather than beer but will definitely give it a go, I imagine I need to drop some sugar or something in too to get it bubbly.


                          • Does this help? How to Get Rid of Slugs and Snails With Yeast: 5 Steps - wikiHow


                            • Mr PP is about to bottle his latest batch of beer so we'll have an excess of yeasty sludge to use. It's going to be a high carbo week - bread, brioche, pizza... And slug traps

                              Last night was 14, mostly because I couldn't be bothered to fight my way into the sticky rubber glove. I used the sharp pointy stick method, instead. Big orange ones go pop...
                              Last edited by PyreneesPlot; 23-06-2013, 10:59 AM. Reason: forgot the count
                              Le Sarramea


                              • The Grand Total

                                As slug hunting finished in mid June it is about time for a grand total.

                                Are you ready?


                                Give or take...

                                Most in a day was 398 so we are making progress from the 600 plus of two years ago.
                                Le Sarramea


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