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Is it powdery mildew?


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  • Is it powdery mildew?


    My cucumber plants have a very odd leaf thing going on. I have had a scout about the net and I *think* it's powdery mildew. On the edges of the oldest leaves there are little round white spots... nothing visible on the underside of the leaves at all amd otherwise the plants are romping away happily. The spots are slowly spreading across the leaves.

    I have stuck them by themselves at the moment. They are in the house if that makes a difference.

    Is it powdery mildew and how on earth do I get rid? Or do I have to throw my plants out!??? Please say it's not all over for them! They were starting to flower!


  • #2
    Wouldn't have thought it was powdery mildew at this point in the season. I'd guess at the leaves have got scorched as they beads of water on them have acted like magnifying glasses and focused all the sun we've been having on the leaves.

    If it is PM, then bing in the house with no airflow and a dry atmosphere will make it worse I'm afraid.
    Never be afraid to try something new.
    Remember that a lone amateur built the Ark.
    A large group of professionals built the Titanic


    • #3
      Hi Noidea
      It does sound a bit like powdery mildew but all is not lost make sure they have got adequate ventilation although that can be sometimes difficult because they need high humidity or you could use a chemical spray.


      • #4

        I found some organic spray that had powdery mildew on the list and have sprayed with that for now. I have got the window open for a bit too as that's about the only way I have of getting them a bit extra ventilation. They were looking very poorly this morning.

        Should I take the leaves off that are looking dodgy?



        • #5
          As Nick said, unlikely to be P. mildew at this time of year. I've attached a pic of powdery mildew to compare to your plant. The spots will be irregular in shape ad look 'powdery' as in the name.

          Increase airflow and perhaps mist the plants if it's very dry in the house.
          Attached Files
          There's vegetable growing in the family, but I must be adopted
          Happy Gardening!


          • #6
            Mmm it does look a bit like that though they appear to have a much more defined outline... the wee spots that is.




            • #7
              any chance of a picture?
              There's vegetable growing in the family, but I must be adopted
              Happy Gardening!


              • #8
                Yip.. I will have a go at that tonight when the kids are off to bed. they will think I have lost it of I start taking photos of my plants rather than them!

                Thanks again



                • #9
                  Sorry I haven't gotten around to the pic. I have 2 sets of cucs, one definately has powdery mildew... the others... I am baffled.

                  I will take a pic of both later.



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