OK, I know they are gods creatures, I like spiders and most creepy crawlies (apart from slugs cos they ate my cabbages) but my allotment seems to be over-rub with ants. They're everywhere - in the muck heap, in the soil, anywhere I've mulched and even in the greenhouse. I found they'd made a nest in my bag of potting compost yesterday so had to throw a lot of it out as I couldn't work with so many of them running all over the place. The birds loved it though as I emptied it over one of the beds that's not in use at the moment. They just make you itch all over. When I'm weeding if I stay still for too long they climb all over my trainers and it's just too much.
Questions are:
1, will they do any harm to my seedlings or plants.
2, is there anything I can do to persuade them to move on.
3, If they can't be persuaded to leave using non lethal methods what can I do to get rid of some of them. I'll let some stay just need to have some space between them and me.
Questions are:
1, will they do any harm to my seedlings or plants.
2, is there anything I can do to persuade them to move on.
3, If they can't be persuaded to leave using non lethal methods what can I do to get rid of some of them. I'll let some stay just need to have some space between them and me.