Thread title is a yoofamism (deliberate spelling) for thieving bar stewards who broke into my new plot last night. 8 show onions which were ripening off in my greenhouse taken also 4 show leeks pulled out of the ground, cut off a couple of inches from ground level, tops cut off and left and middle sections taken, 
. A single red onion pulled and top cut off - onion removed from site as also an ordinary onion.
Although I have no expectation of thief/thieves being apprehended I did report it to the police as clearly someone who is walking about with a knife big enough to cut through a 3" diameter leek could do a lot of damage with that knife to anyone who was to confront them.
I'm spitting feathers yet almost in tears as well. So disappointing.

Although I have no expectation of thief/thieves being apprehended I did report it to the police as clearly someone who is walking about with a knife big enough to cut through a 3" diameter leek could do a lot of damage with that knife to anyone who was to confront them.
I'm spitting feathers yet almost in tears as well. So disappointing.