Originally posted by bearded bloke
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I did that, back then. Roundup was expensive back then - Monsanto's Patent hadn't expired, so no generics, no competition
Monsanto was a client of mine and I asked my contact (and he asked their boffins) about the additive I was using and they thought it was a good idea. Nothing scientific about that, of course, and it translated mostly as "Not good for Monsanto business, but sensible for the user".
I think that the surfactants and other adjuvants [in the product itself] are now very finely tuned; now that the Roundup patent has expired there are loads of Generics, and how well the product works is the only thing that differentiates the various brands (other than price
for example: Xerox copiers were dire, as I recollect it, up until their patent expired and then "overnight" all the Other Brands moved the game on to a whole new, and better, level.
Originally posted by The poly tunnel poet
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i.e. this one:
The Dangers of Glyphosate Herbicide - Nature and Environment - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
I really struggle with that site. They post links to their own articles (that's fair enough) but I can't seem to find any links to any other organisation that has concrete, peer reviewed, science. If anyone can post something that I have overlooked I'd appreciate it.
Its very easy to make a Rant website and post to lots of other sites, that you also wrote!, but that doesn't make their message credible to my eyes.
For example their first link "EPA Raised Residue Limits of Monsanto’s Toxic Chemical Glyphosate Herbicide" links to an Article on their website (fair enough). That article talks about issues which appear perfectly sensible and valid (and worrying), and refers to "studies" and "reports" and things, but I can't seem to find any links to those Studies / Reports. To take the article seriously I expect it to have a link to an article in Scientific American, or similar, where the report was published, or something like a Journal of Agricultural Chemists or somesuch ... otherwise how do I know it isn't just a Rant site?
(I can't now get that linked-article up at all now, I saw it earlier but haven't been able to double-check that there are no links that I missed etc. Happy to be corrected if I have overlooked something)