Roland rat has shuffled off his mortal coil......right beside my strawberry and runnerbean bed 
I had hoped that a fox would consider him a tasty takeaway meal but sadly, no. Perhaps then this rat is tainted with poison?
So I must decide how to dispose of him. What on earth does one do with a (very) dead rat? Everything is soaking wet so I can't burn him and I'm not sure I want to bury a possibly poisoned rat where I grow my food
Apologies to anyone snacking while reading this by the way

I had hoped that a fox would consider him a tasty takeaway meal but sadly, no. Perhaps then this rat is tainted with poison?
So I must decide how to dispose of him. What on earth does one do with a (very) dead rat? Everything is soaking wet so I can't burn him and I'm not sure I want to bury a possibly poisoned rat where I grow my food

Apologies to anyone snacking while reading this by the way
