On top of naff weather, I've got for the first time ever, Whitefly and a touch of Red Spider Mite in my greenhouse.
I've moved my Red Spider infested Cucumber plant outside to minimise transference to other crops, and it was good fortune I'd planted it into a tub this year, and not the ground.
Every other plant I'm currently growing in my greenhouse is highly susceptible to both pests, cucumbers, Tomatoes, Peppers etc.....
The whitefly is currently at manageable levels with an organic spray I've bought.
But I'm obviously going to have to do a robust greenhouse clean and sterilize this end of growing season, and what I'm wondering is should I use a smoke bomb, which will get into every nook and cranny and be little effort.....? or a dam good spray down with something suitable that will kill off all pests......?
Or both..?
Has anybody got any experience of either or both types of products..?
On top of naff weather, I've got for the first time ever, Whitefly and a touch of Red Spider Mite in my greenhouse.
I've moved my Red Spider infested Cucumber plant outside to minimise transference to other crops, and it was good fortune I'd planted it into a tub this year, and not the ground.
Every other plant I'm currently growing in my greenhouse is highly susceptible to both pests, cucumbers, Tomatoes, Peppers etc.....
The whitefly is currently at manageable levels with an organic spray I've bought.
But I'm obviously going to have to do a robust greenhouse clean and sterilize this end of growing season, and what I'm wondering is should I use a smoke bomb, which will get into every nook and cranny and be little effort.....? or a dam good spray down with something suitable that will kill off all pests......?
Or both..?
Has anybody got any experience of either or both types of products..?