I have some shelves in the PT, for raising seeds in cell trays, but i keep going out there and my poor baby seedling and just been completely eaten, we do not seem to get slugs but plenty of snails!! i have tried going out in the dark to catch them and often do snail searches, i have tried to find copper tape to no avail. Also have tried putting tray surrounded by a mote of water. Nothing seems to be helping. I know its snails as they leave their poo behind 
Any advice please?????????
I am getting to the point of not even wanting to bother with lots of seeds and it is one of the parts i enjoy most. Think i have planted hundreds of brassica seeds this last year and only managed to plant out a few
Even taking out my pepper seedlings and tomatoes.

Any advice please?????????

I am getting to the point of not even wanting to bother with lots of seeds and it is one of the parts i enjoy most. Think i have planted hundreds of brassica seeds this last year and only managed to plant out a few
