OK...having just had slugs decimate my allotment overnight (seriously lost most of my squashes - and they were good sized plants, not small!! salad all gone and dahlias now a stubby mess) I need to work a bit harder to control the population! I've put down the "organic" pellets (to be fair I had pelleted before but clearly not enough!!) but clerly need more. Given the big area (2 allotment plots) I'm not convinced that nematodes are the most sensible route but more than happy to be told otherwise. I'm also going to put in some slug-pubs, but would welcome some tip - is it easier to buy or make you own..is there a preferred beer? 
I'm sure I have a bag of those wool pellet hiding in my shed somewhere as well so will try to dog those out in an attempt to save some of the remaining plants....anything else? I could go round picking them up as well but there are so many of them I'm not sure how to dispose of them - no chickens near by!

I'm sure I have a bag of those wool pellet hiding in my shed somewhere as well so will try to dog those out in an attempt to save some of the remaining plants....anything else? I could go round picking them up as well but there are so many of them I'm not sure how to dispose of them - no chickens near by!