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Use of GYO polls


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  • #16
    I don't think they are keeping up with us at all Paul. Many here have 20, 30, even more years of growing experience. They ask (not as a scientific experiment, as a very simplistic request) for our actual observations. We give them. They ignore them and pursue a pre-determined course - Britain's climate is warming to the extent that we gardeners can change our growing habits. This season demonstrates that this ain't so. We have,in the proportion of 2 - 1, observed that it isn't so. The poll, at least, was correctly reported. It wasn NOT interpreted. The whole of the text was given over to pro-warming comments.

    I have said that I do think humanity has and is changing the climate. It's simplistic in the extreme though, to assume everywhere is warming up. We are experiencing wide extremes here in Britain.

    If the magazine staff ask us questions they should respect our answers. We are not all stupid and I don't like to be treated as if I am.
    Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


    • #17
      Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
      We have some serious in depth veg growing knowledge but really the selected comments that are printed make me cringe. It doesn't appear that anyone from the mag actually reads or is involved with this forum (except Mr Wagland for a while last year)

      It is a shame that this excellent resource is so flippantly underused by them.
      I am also very disappointed by the way the magazine staff treat this forum and the knowledge of it's members and have been for a very long time. A big part of the reason I gave up moderating was because there was so little support behind the scenes.

      This is an extremely good forum with a huge wealth of knowledge and very little backbiting or unpleasantness (anyone who has roved around other online fora will know how rare and valuable that aspect alone is!). I simply don't understand why the magazine treats what could be it's flagship with what appears to be, at best, disinterest.
      I was feeling part of the scenery
      I walked right out of the machinery
      My heart going boom boom boom
      "Hey" he said "Grab your things
      I've come to take you home."


      • #18
        Indeed Flum, I agree with you, I am not sure if we are/n't changing the climate that does not mean we are not plundering the world's resources/expanding the population in an unsustainable way. The problems of the world are only in my department in as much as I can do with my tiny influence.

        I plant things when I feel the conditions are right not by any calender/history...we had a mild winter or three then we've had a long cold one.

        However I am sure that whatever statistics or polls any organisation may like to cite will be massaged/presented to demonstrate their point. The whole greenwash gravy-train is rolling because its become a marketing tool/taxation stick and somehow you are now not even allowed to question complex scientific concepts no-one had even heard of five years ago.

        I am glad growing Veg is good for the environment but for pity's sake, GYO is becoming so bogged down in this marketing that there is nothing to interest the serious veg grower. (perhaps that is a little unfair to Anne and Paul who do at least appear to grow veg)


        • #19
          Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
          I am sure I'll be black balled for these free thinking comments so goodbye to you all
          I'm honoured to have known you


          • #20
            I must admit I take the mag. (nearly) every month but don't have a subscription. That is because I am not sure that it is of any use to me. It is a pleasant read but strikes me as being rather inward looking and amateurish. I have been a member of many fora over the last few years and find this one to be one of the best. Not because of the great technical knowledge of its members (although some have a great deal) but because, on some other fora, (thanks for reminding me about the correct plural whoever it was) when people disagree there is the feeling that they are trying to put other people down. On here it is accepted that gardeners do disagree and nobody has a monopoly of truth. The mods are great. Moderation should be with a light hand and here, it is. So the forum is great and useful.

            But the mag. I'm afraid does leave a bit to be desired. It seems it is run by journalists and advertising people, not gardeners, it exists purely (not primarily) to sell advertising. Now one must accept that a commercial venture like this must be run by journalists and advertising execs., but please will they either learn something about gardening or do what any self respecting gardener would do. If they don't know then ask. And not with some silly half-assed questionnaire. If they don't then they will fail. To everybody's loss.
            Last edited by sarraceniac; 10-03-2010, 03:59 PM. Reason: nonsense sentence
            Why didn't Noah just swat those 2 greenflies?

            Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
            >If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?


            • #21
              I had 2 years of subscription of the mag and then stopped . Why?

              I felt there were too many adverts...the photos never seemed to tally with the text ....the info often used to arrive after it was needed ( jam recipes in November and planting instructions too late) Two consecutive years followed the same info, in the same depth. Free seeds arriving too late for that growing year and then a photo of a conker next to a recipe for sweet chestnuts finally did it for me.
              I think the magazine looks exceptionally inviting- lots of piccies, and very colourful, and I still like to grab one of my old copies for a good read in the bath( and quietly chuckle about the poor co-ordination between text and photos)
              Some of the articles have been superb though.
              I got the feeling that the mag was directed to young- middle aged ladies starting off with GYO.

              I honestly can't comment on the recently produced ones- and there are , I presume, different staff.
              I hope the mag staff take on board what is being said here not as pure criticism but to help develop the magazine further and sell even more copies to a wider audience.

              This forum is here because of the magazine- and I wish the magazine plenty of success. We offer our advice freely and are happy for them to share our contributions - but as Flum says ( and although I didn't read the article I was quite frankly shocked to see how unhappy our usually placid Flum became) please make sure it's a fair and reasonable reflection of our comments folks!
              I'm sure it must be very difficult to co-ordinate a magazine with the growing season, but as with different years and different staff and an open mindedness for the magazine to develop and blossom, lets hope all constructive criticism is gratefully received??
              Last edited by Nicos; 10-03-2010, 05:10 PM.
              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

              Location....Normandy France


              • #22
                Originally posted by Paulottie View Post
                I am sure I'll be black balled for these free thinking comments so goodbye to you all
                You get a white ball from me Paulottie.


                • #23
                  I have a subscription to the magazine, but I feel I get more from the Grapevine than I do from the mag. Sometimes it is really good, but they do seem to be "dumbing down" which I find regrettable. When I first took out my subscription and joined the Vine I felt that I was among friends, who took growing fairly seriously without being scathing towards beginners. It was great, and I have enjoyed both learning from others, and passing on things I have learned. However I would hate GYO to turn into the gardening magazine equivalent of the Sun newspaper, which it seems in some respects to be doing. There - I'm probably black-balled too. Where shall we meet Paulottie?


                  • #24
                    The problem i have is that it less like a magazine and more like a web page where you have to click on things to read about what it is all about that is my take on it .
                    Perhaps i am to old to embrace the modern way of publishing a magazine...jacob
                    What lies behind us,And what lies before us,Are tiny matters compared to what lies Within us ...
                    Ralph Waide Emmerson


                    • #25
                      Cooooooeeeeeiiiii....still here. If only as a thorn in your side.

                      I want to support this forum - therefore I want to buy the magazine - therefore I want the magazine to be worth reading. I didn't want my comments to be taken personally by anyone.

                      PLEASE listen to us. LET US HELP! to make the magazine as good as the forum. Do not misrepresent us, ignore us nor patronise us.


                      • #26
                        To be fair positive thing that I forgot to mention is that I have enjoyed Andi Clevely articles. There's a man who really knows his subject. More room for that standard of writing would suit me fine.

                        I do understand that the mag needs to be engaging and not fall into the dullness of 'The Garden' but there is a middle road I'm sure.


                        • #27
                          Okay folks, I think that there's plenty of food for thought here, so we're closing the thread for the time being.


                          • #28
                            Thanks for your feedback over the last day or so. We take your comments regarding GYO polls on board and will strive to include a more balanced range of opinions in future. The GYO team is always interested in improving the magazine and welcomes constructive comments, emailed directly to the magazine’s editor, at [email protected]. While she is unable to promise a personal response, all views will be taken on board and integrated wherever appropriate. The magazine is aimed at gardeners of all levels of experience, so some of the features in each issue are simple introductory guides. We balance this out by providing more in-depth articles in each issue, too.
                            GYO magazine is on twitter and facebook! Visit us at and


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