A fencing paint brush
A weekend in a spa resort
A spare set of teeth
A bag of jelly babies
A sit on mower
A dibber
Tickets to a flower show / National Trust garden
A potato sac
Gardening clogs
A gardening DVD
A years supply of slug pellets
Copper gardening tools
A 2016 wildlife calendar
A firepit
A personalised mug
Ok..ok...come on...you are certainly giving me a taste of my own medicine!
Gonna tell us?
A weekend in a spa resort
A spare set of teeth
A bag of jelly babies
A sit on mower
A dibber
Tickets to a flower show / National Trust garden
A potato sac
Gardening clogs
A gardening DVD
A years supply of slug pellets
Copper gardening tools
A 2016 wildlife calendar
A firepit
A personalised mug
Ok..ok...come on...you are certainly giving me a taste of my own medicine!

Gonna tell us?
