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No Free Gift


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  • No Free Gift

    Took out a 6 month subscription in Oct 2017 maily because of the free gift on a nice propogator. Despite numerous contacts as recent as Mon 5th and promises of this will be sent ASAP and we will call you back today. NOTHING.

    think this is a breach of contract.

    poor customer service

  • #2
    Same for me and for the same free gift.
    Took it out purely for the prop for this season, be lucky if i get it in time for next lol. be sure to cancel your dd they will have set up or youll be paying another 21 quid, got a feeling thats what their waiting for, 2nd payment, already cancelled mine.

    Having said all that, you do get a few quids worth of free seeds which probably even the price of the sub up a touch, but still, not the point.
    Last edited by jackarmy; 07-03-2018, 12:00 PM.


    • #3
      We have just flagged up this thread for the second time to subs/admin. Nothing we mods can do I'm afraid apart from nag

      Hopefully you will have a response soon.
      (I do however very much doubt there is any malice intended towards you.)
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Don't they realise that threads like this put people off subscribing to the magazine? You would think they would deal with it swiftly and publically on here.
        . .......Man Vs Slug
        Click Here for my Diary and Blog
        Nutters Club Member


        • #5
          They�ve ran out of propagators years ago,they could be waiting for stock to come in & they might not know yet/could�ve been delayed because of the snow,anything could of happened. I wonder if they get alot of people joining just for the free gift & then they cancel after they get it or something? I don�t know
          Location : Essex


          • #6

            I have chased this up for you with our subs bureau, they should be in touch asap. If you haven't heard from them in a couple of days please let me know.


            • #7
              Many thanks Hazel.

              The offer was for a free prop in return for a six month subscription JJ and yes, i joined simply for the deal, to me it was worth it.
              However, like i stated above , if id known i wouldnt have the prop until 6 months ( at least ) later then i wouldnt have bothered , despite the quite ample free seeds every issue.

              The delay as far as i can see, happens with every offer for theres always complaints here, as far as im concerned, if you have no props then dont offer free props as a bribe.

              rant over .


              • #8
                Has anyone actually received their free gift for subscribing? Just subscribed last month. First issue through with no gift, by reading this forum sounds like it might not be happening. Good magazine though and forums seem friendly!! Enjoying my first house but more importantly, my First garden!!


                • #9
                  As moderators, we unfortunately have no magic wand we can wave to solve the subscription problems, all we can do is alert Admin to your issues

                  We like you are just users of the forum, who volunteer our time to facilitate the smooth running of this forum. Please rest assured, we pass all reported issues on to the magazine.


                  • #10
                    If you have not received your free subscription gift, please send me your subscription details (Name, Address, Subscription number, etc.) and the gift offer which you subscribed for and I will chase this up on your behalf.

                    We have recently changed subs bureaus and are experiencing a few hiccups, so I apologise for any inconvenience caused.


                    • #11
                      Many thanks Philip, sending details in two tics, appreciated.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Philip Hazell View Post

                        We have recently changed subs bureaus and are experiencing a few hiccups, so I apologise for any inconvenience caused.
                        Does the same apply to MOM gifts and VVS prizes?
                        I've not noticed anyone showing off there gifts after their reign of momship for quite a long time. Along with the VVS prize I've not seen anyone say thank you for those and I know they would! All the winners are incredible polite .

                        Sorry Mods I'm stirring.
                        But I think it's a valid point. If you're going to offer gifts/ prizes then give them! Or don't offer.

                        Delet if you like, I've got it off my chest now


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                          Does the same apply to MOM gifts and VVS prizes?
                          I've not noticed anyone showing off there gifts after their reign of momship for quite a long time. Along with the VVS prize I've not seen anyone say thank you for those and I know they would! All the winners are incredible polite .
                          Ummmm.......but you were the winner of the VVS? Are you saying you haven't got anything since October???

                          Someone sort poor SP out please or I may have to make some exceptionally long and very very sharp pointy sticks of my own


                          • #14
                            I received my MoM's gift, and I did say thanks somewhere in a post, though I can't find it and the search isn't working for words I remember I included. That said, it did take quite a while to arrive, although not as long as Small Pumpkin's.


                            • #15
                              Here's your post, Snoop


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