Has anyone else noticed how many acorns there are this year? I've never seen so many on my trees - sometimes it sounds like machine gun fire as they land on the shed roof 
Reasons on Goggle indicated it is a sign of a harsh winter to follow!
More rational explanations say that it reflects the wet weather in the preceding year when the fruit buds are being formed. Here's one:-
Bumper autumn for forest fruits expected as nature puts on a rare show
Should keep the squirrels entertained burying them all over the garden and in the GH
Anyone like some acorns? I have lots and lots...............and don't suggest I make acorn coffee - life's too short

Reasons on Goggle indicated it is a sign of a harsh winter to follow!
More rational explanations say that it reflects the wet weather in the preceding year when the fruit buds are being formed. Here's one:-
Bumper autumn for forest fruits expected as nature puts on a rare show
Should keep the squirrels entertained burying them all over the garden and in the GH

Anyone like some acorns? I have lots and lots...............and don't suggest I make acorn coffee - life's too short
