Bit of a random question here (for a change).
Does anyone grow their own Chicken food (apart from greens).
As a guide - M@rri@ges' Royal Variety Mixed Corn Ingredients:
Wheat, Cut Maize, Poultry Grit, Red Dari, Cut Peas, Black Sunflower and Flaked Carrot
Basic Mixed Corn seems to be just Wheat and Maize.
Has anyone tried growing the contents of a bag of Mixed corn? Would they germinate or have they been processed to stop germination?
I also have millet seeds and amaranth and quinoa, though I'm not sure whether these can be eaten by chooks.
Any thoughts please?

Does anyone grow their own Chicken food (apart from greens).
As a guide - M@rri@ges' Royal Variety Mixed Corn Ingredients:
Wheat, Cut Maize, Poultry Grit, Red Dari, Cut Peas, Black Sunflower and Flaked Carrot
Basic Mixed Corn seems to be just Wheat and Maize.
Has anyone tried growing the contents of a bag of Mixed corn? Would they germinate or have they been processed to stop germination?
I also have millet seeds and amaranth and quinoa, though I'm not sure whether these can be eaten by chooks.
Any thoughts please?