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Spuds and others



  • seasprout
    started a blog post Spuds and others

    Spuds and others

    [ATTACH]23117[/ATTACH]Spent several hours in the Garden this morning, began to harvest tomatoes from the greenhouse, Its almost Sept.. that'll teach me to sow the seeds late.!

    Dumped the Courgette plant, all I seem to grow is courgettes for the slugs.

    Picked some Rhubarb as it was blocking the path, picked yet more cucumbers.

    Then turned over a bottomless dustbin with spuds in that had suffered Blight earlier in the month, was very pleasantly surprised to find plenty of quite large spuds in decent condition.

    The cultivar is Bonnie, one which I have not grown before. (All the other varieties had sold out). One or two tubers had a bit of scab, but this is easily peeled off.

    Checked on the sweetcorn and so far so good.!
    Also spotted what I think is a Butternut Squash amongst the base of the sweetcorn, which is good because that's where I planted it.
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