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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2019


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  • Chillies - growing and overwintering 2019

    This is a follow on thread from 2018... discussing anything to do with chillies.
    As it's a new season and peeps are starting to sow again, please tell us what varieties you have sown already and what is your grow list for 2019.

    Last years thread can be found here :
    Last edited by Scarlet; 26-12-2018, 03:20 PM.

  • #2
    C'mon let us all know here what varieties you've already sown or your planned date for your first sowing......and if anyone got some grow lights from Santa!


    • #3
      iv'e still got 4 aji colour's growing in my greenhouse and they are covered in semi ripe pods !
      atb Dal.


      • #4
        Outdoor greenhouse Dal?


        • #5
          I'm absolutely buzzing to grow my first veggies of any type ever, and chuffed with all the advice given on this forum so far. Im going to grow prairie fire, ring of fire and Thai dragon/birds eye, indoors on the windowsill.

          I do have a question about compost type, there seems to be varied advice. I've seen a YouTube video of a chap in Yorkshire who says he uses the absolute cheapest compost available and it works a treat. Others say the John Innes stuff is good, and others say it is too rich. Then others say you need potting mix, and others have their own ratios of perlite/sand/compost etc which sounds overly complex.

          What do most people use, and would the cheapest bag of compost from B&Q do the job like the below?


          • #6
            I use any compost... I've used B& Qs, Asda etc. They all work ok for me.


            • #7
              I use leaf mould to germinate most of my seeds in, then hoik them out into small pots.

              Am enjoying having a rootle through the seed boxes at the moment, I can't wait to start sowing again.

              Definitely padrons, trepadiera werner and a jalapeno to be sown, am having a think about the others. I've brought some leaf mould in to warm through. Anyone else started already?
     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


              • #8
                Yeah! for most of my prepping and seed sowing I use very cheap multipurpose compost then switch to something a little more high in nutrients at potting on stage and also add a copious amount of perlite to aid in aeration and drainage.

                Better get on with pot washing!
                "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


                • #9
                  Speaking of Christmas presents I got these gifts to keep me going till planting time!
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    Goodie a new chilli thread

                    Here's this years grow far

                    lemon drop
                    golden cayenne
                    jalape�o no heat ^
                    ring of fire
                    joe's long
                    pimientos de padron
                    Thai dragon
                    Hungarian black
                    scotch bonnet *
                    birds eye, ^
                    Peter pepper orange
                    Dorset naga *
                    numex twilight
                    basket of fire
                    cherry bomb
                    sugar rush peach *
                    thunder mountain longhorn *
                    pink habanero *
                    habanero giant white ^*
                    moruga scorpion *
                    Aji Pineapple
                    AJI strawberry drop ^
                    rocoto la Paz rojo
                    cheiro roxa ^
                    apple crisp ^
                    pumpkin ^
                    Trinidad perfume ^*
                    chupentinho ^
                    Krakatoa +^
                    White bhut jolokia +*^

                    ^ new for this season
                    * in the propagator
                    + Christmas prezzies


                    • #11
                      As for compost I use anything. It always gets mixed with perlite and chicken manure pellets for final potting up.


                      • #12
                        I mix mine with chicken manure pellets on final potting up too - I think I saw it done on the sea springs/Dorset naga video?
                        Last edited by Scarlet; 27-12-2018, 11:59 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                          I mix mine with chicken manure pellets on final potting up too - I think I saw it done on the sea springs/Dorset naga video?
                          Yeah that's why I do it, because I saw it on sea springs Dorset naga (Nigel) video.


                          • #14
                            For the best harvest would it be best to use a higher quantity of smaller pots, or fewer, larger pots?

                            For example generally speaking, for windowsill varieties, would 4x 2 litre pots produce more, or less than 2x 4 litre pots?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dave_100 View Post
                              For the best harvest would it be best to use a higher quantity of smaller pots, or fewer, larger pots?

                              For example generally speaking, for windowsill varieties, would 4x 2 litre pots produce more, or less than 2x 4 litre pots?
                              I'd go 2 X 4lt pots


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