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Feeling fed up :-(


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  • Feeling fed up :-(

    Hi All

    New to the group - so HELLO!!!!!

    I am looking for advice re brassicas.

    My husband is diabetic so I buy loads and thought I'd try (again) to grow some. Seeds came up well and potted out nicely. Planted out and grew well (mainly). I bought some sprout plants at about 3 inches as next doors had blown down and she keeps giving me things that overgrow! These are now about 3 foot tall and just starting to get the first sprout. I have had the sprout under a cloche and they are pushing it up now and horror of horrors this week I had to kill 2 cabbage moths that had gone inside. Worst still they have got under the nets I put over all my caulis and broccoli. Disaster has struck as they are all very holey now and I have sprayed them with nematode but is it too late? I put cut out white 'butterflies' on the nets but they are still swarming around them and have today spread some egg shells around. I feel like just pulling them all up and putting them in the bin :-( Next year I'm going to get one of those walk in net cages probably but AM I DOOMED FOR THIS YEAR??? Thanks for reading.

  • #2
    Wait for others to give their views about netting against cabbage whites and the like, as I don't do that. Just thought I'd drop in meanwhile to say hello and welcome.

    Your post does raise a few questions though. Do you have a problem with cabbage white butterflies or slugs and snails?


    • #3
      Stop panicking! Get down among the plants and squidge all the little caterpillars. They will survive (the plants).
      Welcome, by the way.
      Last edited by greenishfing; 31-07-2019, 06:02 PM.


      • #4
        gardening to grow veg is not really that easy - certainly not as easy as some people like to make it sound.

        It sounds like you are prepared to persevere which is probably the single biggest factor when aiming for success - the next in line is to make plenty of compost and/or bring in manure to make sure your soil is in good heart.

        There are veg plants which you can grow on now for next year including cabbages - good luck :-)


        • #5
          They�ll be fine,you could take the netting off if it�s getting in the way there�s probably little yellow eggs on the underside of the leaf edges etc. I find they go for the leaves & the sprouts grow unaffected but it�s a regular chore of squashing & removing eggs. When you�ve rid the plant of them,there�s always one caterpillar that survives & lives in the brussel tops,I use a spray bottle on high jet & squirt the tops & leaves with garlic clove crushed in water & a dot of washing up liquid,this mixture loosens the caterpillars instead of having to get your fingers into the plant that can risk damage. Netting�s always got in my way,they always find a way to lay eggs through the net etc by sitting on top,squirt them when the suns gone down & give it a squirt with plain water to wash off any bubbles. Could be moths or butterflies laying eggs through the net,moths can get through butterfly sized net,their larvae can dangle off leaf edges on webbing like they�re bungee jumping.
          Location : Essex


          • #6
            Sorry to hear of your plight. Welcome to the vine.

            I net, using enviromesh - which is the super-fine stuff.

            the crucial things are
            1) make sure the brassicas aren't touching the net - or they can ley eggs through it
            2) that there are no gaps for them to get in via
            3) to remember that not only does it keep out bad beasties, but also those that would eat bad beasties, so you'll need to get in there and clean them. At which point you generally create problem (2)…

            Have you tried swiss chard. No idea if you'll like it, but it's nice and easy to grow...


            • #7
              feeling fed up

              Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
              Wait for others to give their views about netting against cabbage whites and the like, as I don't do that. Just thought I'd drop in meanwhile to say hello and welcome.

              Your post does raise a few questions though. Do you have a problem with cabbage white butterflies or slugs and snails?
              The butterflies in THIS area


              • #8
                feeling fed up

                Sorry and thanks for all the replies

                The main reason I put netting on the plants in the first place was 'bloody woodpigeons' I have managed to shoot one (cleanly through the eye) and eat it but now think the time has come to uncover the plants for this year anyway and get my cage for next year?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by welovezig View Post
                  The butterflies in THIS area
                  So why the nematodes and egg shells?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Snoop Puss View Post
                    So why the nematodes and egg shells?
                    Maybe it was too difficult to shoot the butterflies and slugs in the eye.

                    Welovezig - no point in being fed up about losing your plants to pests - it happens and you learn from it.
                    I've stopped growing brassicas that take months to grow and heart up and stick to kale and loose leaf cabbages that can be picked a leaf at a time.
                    If all you want to do is grow some greens to eat, its the easiest way.


                    • #11
                      Debri netting will keep the little blighters out and is a dam site cheaper than enviromesh.

                      Welcome to the vine btw.
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        Brassicas are absolute pest magnets. Definitely the most frustrating type of veg to grow, for me. I prefer to grow types that are quick to mature like raab broccoli, kailan and Oriental greens or things you can harvest 'cut and come again' style like kale and collard greens.


                        • #13
                          Hi welovezig welcome to the forum, I have pigeon problems also, so inept against pigeons and rabbits I also have a major slug and snail problem so it�s slug pellets for me.
                          For the pigeons I got a peregrine falcon decoy for �10 and mounted on the top of the clothes line. It�s worked at keeping them away as I no longer have my 4:30 wake up call from the pigeons. I grow curly kale at present, I have some January cabbage seeds growing in the poly tunnel.

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                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nickdub View Post
                            gardening to grow veg is not really that easy - certainly not as easy as some people like to make it sound.
                            I still perciver with veg but try and grow ones I like and are fairly easy.

                            I find drinking beer much easier and find I am very proficient at that.

                            So in conclusion do what you do best, 'HIC'!

                            Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!


                            • #15
                              feeling fed up

                              Thanks for all your replies!

                              I like the idea of the falcon decoy

                              Just back from Asda where I got 7 broccoli heads for 16p each so kind of thinking 'what's the point'? BUT I do like growing stuff and have just squashed yet another moth/butterfly in my sprout cloche. No doubt too late Still will try to squid any caterpillars and try the garlic spray thingy.


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