Its raining and I'm idly thinking aloud 
Is it possible to grow 4 different veggies that take 3 months or less each to maturity on the same ground/bed/pot in a year. 4 Crop rotation in a year?
For example, radish followed by lettuce, then spring onions, then peas.
Not necessarily in that order!
What other quick veg are there? Turnips, baby beet, carrots (if you're lucky!), courgettes, DFBs lots of salad leaves?
The winter quarters would be difficult. Maybe need to grow veg on in pots first then plant into the bed for their 3 month stay.
I know I'm rabbiting
Any thoughts? (about the idea, not whether I'm rabbiting

Is it possible to grow 4 different veggies that take 3 months or less each to maturity on the same ground/bed/pot in a year. 4 Crop rotation in a year?
For example, radish followed by lettuce, then spring onions, then peas.
Not necessarily in that order!
What other quick veg are there? Turnips, baby beet, carrots (if you're lucky!), courgettes, DFBs lots of salad leaves?
The winter quarters would be difficult. Maybe need to grow veg on in pots first then plant into the bed for their 3 month stay.
I know I'm rabbiting

Any thoughts? (about the idea, not whether I'm rabbiting
