I'm exceedingly confused, it seems everyone is sowing veg at the moment which my seed packs say to leave till later in the year! I succumbed to planting my onions and have sowed some tomato seeds and marigolds which have all germinated beautifully on the dining table as I have no green house. Hoever now I have seen that people are sowing courgettes (my seed pack says wait till March!!) and Chilli peppers of various descriptions (February)
I'm wondering whether to just ignore the seed packets ad sow what I fancy. So my question is, what can I sucessfully sow at this time of year (i.e: what is everyone else sowing!?) which I may be misled by the seed packet not to sow until later in the year?

Looking forward to hearing your replies because I am terribly impatient to start my sowing and growing this year
