Lots of different varieties, some white, some red stemmed, some hardy enough for overwintering, some called "bunching" (which is a bit vague), some said to be perennial but, I can't help thinking there's not much difference between them all - and they all seem to take a lot longer to grow that the packets would have you believe.
I'm going to treat mine like perennial leeks. Firstly by earthing up the stems to make a longer white bit.
Secondly, by growing in clusters to make a "bunch" to be harvested simultaneously.
Thirdly, I wont be pulling them, but cutting them off and leaving the rootplate and a bit of stem in the ground to regrow.
I have some that I grew last year to experiment with and I'll sow some more this week (Shoots week on the VC calendar).
I'm sure some of you already grow them like this - please share your experiences.

I'm going to treat mine like perennial leeks. Firstly by earthing up the stems to make a longer white bit.
Secondly, by growing in clusters to make a "bunch" to be harvested simultaneously.
Thirdly, I wont be pulling them, but cutting them off and leaving the rootplate and a bit of stem in the ground to regrow.
I have some that I grew last year to experiment with and I'll sow some more this week (Shoots week on the VC calendar).
I'm sure some of you already grow them like this - please share your experiences.
