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toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing


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  • toomanytommytoes, annie8, SP & 4shoes mystery chilli growing

    My seeds arrived, thank you toomanytommytoes

    Though I'd start a separate thread for our mystery chilli growing antics .
    So we can compare notes and be generally confused without confusing all the other chilli head that know what they're growing.
    I'm sure they will all contribute. Probably just point and laugh

    I have a seed tray warming in the propagator. Ready to start sowing later on.
    Now going to sort through the seeds. Will be back later with photos.
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 24-01-2019, 02:17 PM. Reason: adding 4shoes to title

  • #2
    Mystery seed List

    7 Pot Brain Strain
    7 Pot Bubblegum
    7 Pot Chocolate
    7 Pot Katie
    7 Pot Red
    7 Pot Yellow
    Aji Crystal
    Aji Dulce Amarillo
    Aji Fantasy
    Aji Lemon
    Aji Mango
    Aji Omnicolour
    Aji Panca
    Ancho Grande
    Ancho Poblano
    Apricot Habanero
    Bahamian Goat
    Banana Chilli
    Bengle Naga
    Big Black Mama
    Big Caramel Mama
    Big Jim
    Bird�s Eye
    Bishop�s Hat
    Black Olive Chilli
    Bolivian Rainbow
    Borg 9
    Brazilian Ghost
    Brazilian Starfish
    Bulgarian Carrot
    Capsicum Galapagoense
    Carolina Reaper
    Cheiro Roxa
    Cherry Bomb
    Chocolate Devil�s Tongue
    Chocolate Douglah
    Chocolate Habanero
    Costa Rican Orange
    Costeno Amarillo
    Criolla Sella
    Dalle Khursani
    Dedo de Moca
    Demon Red
    Devil�s Breath
    Dorset Naga
    Ethiopian Brown Berber
    Explosive Ember
    Fish Chilli
    Goat�s Weed Chilli
    Golden Cayenne
    Habanero Katie
    Habanero Lucy
    Habanero Maya Red
    Habanero Red
    Helix Nebula
    Holy Mole
    Hungarian Hot Wax
    Jamaican True Bonnet
    Jay�s Ghost Peach Scorpion
    Jigsaw x TMSB
    Komodo Dragon
    Large Red Rocoto
    Leeds Scotch Bonnet
    Locoto Rocoto
    Maule�s Red
    Monkey Face
    Mustard Habanero
    Naga King
    Naga Viper
    Nepal Snakebite
    Numex Joe E Parker
    Numex Twilight
    Orange Habanero
    Orange Jalapeno
    Orange Wonder
    Paper Lantern
    Paprika Alma
    Pasilla Bajio
    Patio Chilli
    Peach Fatalli
    Peach Trinidad Scorpion
    Peter Pepper Red
    Pimenta Leopard
    Pimenta Puma
    Pineapple Aji
    Pink Tiger
    Purple Cayenne
    Purple Marconi
    Purple Serrano
    Purple Tiger
    Red Rocoto
    Red Trinidad Scorpion
    Ring of Fire
    Rocoto Yellow Canario
    Rooster Spur
    Santa Fe Grande
    Satan�s Kiss
    Scotch Bonnet
    Serrano Tampiqueno
    Sugar Rush
    Sweet Banana Chilli
    Thunder Mountain Longhorn
    Trinidad Perfume
    TS Mustard
    Turtle Claw
    White Devil�s Tongue
    White Habanero
    White Naga
    Yaki Blue Fawn
    Yellow Habanero
    Yellow Moruga Scorpion
    Yellow Mushroom
    Yellow Scorpion
    Yellow Scotch Bonnet
    Zimbabwe Black
    Last edited by veggiechicken; 24-01-2019, 07:23 PM.


    • #3
      Ok seeds are sorted.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	50.2 KB
ID:	2382088

      And a code devised so I know which seeds have germinated.

      Toomanytommytoes you weren't joking when you said there's some tiny seeds ! Never seen such tiny chilli seeds looking forward to seeing what they turn into.


      • #4
        Still room for one more?

        Was tempted in November, but went through a cooling off period when rediscovered, but now there is a group, we could help each other in the identification.

        See the number of varieties has increased since November - Was 134, now 150...

        Link to seeds
        Last edited by 4Shoes; 19-01-2019, 06:30 PM.


        • #5
          Yeah go on 4Shoes, join us


          • #6
            Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
            Ok seeds are sorted.


            And a code devised so I know which seeds have germinated.

            Toomanytommytoes you weren't joking when you said there's some tiny seeds ! Never seen such tiny chilli seeds looking forward to seeing what they turn into.
            Please Share
            How many plants are you planning to grow and how you going to select your seed?

            Last Year I had 68 seeds for what I thought was 12 varieties. I sorted the seeds by Size and picked every 5th - I ended up with 3 Pot Black + 1 x Pot Black Cross and 3 Enjoya in the final mix so there must have been quite a range of seed sizes for each variety.

            Perhaps a sort similar to above for 1st pass and then a head scratch


            • #7
              Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
              Yeah go on 4Shoes, join us
              Send out the search parties …. I responded to this posting and its gone missing

              Original post was : -



              • #8
                Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
                Please Share
                How many plants are you planning to grow and how you going to select your seed?
                All of them

                175 seeds going in the propagator tomorrow morning


                • #9
                  .............and you laugh at me with my lucky jars.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                    .............and you laugh at me with my lucky jars.
                    The things you do to take your mind off planning! But quite frankly this is so nuts I'm scaring myself


                    • #11
                      Don't be scared! It depends on what you want the outcome of the sowings to be. If its a challenge and you hope to identify the types, even if not the variety, it doesn't matter what comes up.
                      If you want to save seeds (with names) then it does.
                      I'd be happy doing it with toms or beans or squashes because I could eat them, whatever they were. However, since I'm such a wimp with chillies, I would be afraid to taste them and they would all go to waste. You're made of stronger stuff though. Relax. It'll all come good.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                        Don't be scared! It depends on what you want the outcome of the sowings to be. If its a challenge and you hope to identify the types, even if not the variety, it doesn't matter what comes up.
                        If you want to save seeds (with names) then it does.
                        I'd be happy doing it with toms or beans or squashes because I could eat them, whatever they were. However, since I'm such a wimp with chillies, I would be afraid to taste them and they would all go to waste. You're made of stronger stuff though. Relax. It'll all come good.
                        The plan is to ID as many as I can. But I'm not too fussed if I don't. They will still make great chilli powder if I don't know there names .

                        I'll let you into a little secret. I don't like the taste of fresh hot chillies
                        In meals no problem, on their own, no thanks.


                        • #13
                          Ooh yes like the idea of a thread on this. Am waiting before sowing as we don't have a propagator or grow light. I was looking into growing lights today though.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                            Ooh yes like the idea of a thread on this. Am waiting before sowing as we don't have a propagator or grow light. I was looking into growing lights today though.
                            How many are you going to be sowing ? Are you going to be as nuts as me ?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post

                              175 seeds going in the propagator tomorrow morning
                              Just to make things perfectly clear. 175 is on top of my 60+ babies I'll be growing anyway.


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