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What to grow


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  • What to grow


    I have recently taken on an allotment and have weeded the first bed which is now ready for planting. Can people suggest would i could grow in it now.

    Thanks Liam

  • #2
    Not too late to sow carrots, beetroot & turnips (particularly if you put fleece over them when the frost starts to threaten - they'll carry on until Oct or so). It's all cheap seed so not a major gamble anyway. There's also time to do short-term salad stuff - lettuce & radish. I've just planted a few more rows of peas but I think it is touch & go whether they produce much now.


    • #3
      Today I sowed in modules.............Durham Early spring cabbages, Tokyo Bekana for salad leaves, Kohl rabi, Shimonita winter hardy onions, perpetual spinach and 4 varieties of lettuce.
      There's still time to buy plants of winter cabbage and cauliflower.
      It'll soon be time to get winter onion sets in


      • #4
        Can I grow potatoes?


        • #5
          Hello Liam - Congratulations on your allotment. You're going to be busy now
          I've never tried it but you can plant potatoes in August that should be ready in December. Its best if you can keep them frost free though.
          Here is a thread about it


          • #6
            VC is right - you'll find some seed catalogues offering seed potatoes for planting now and harvesting for Christmas dinner! I'm sure there will be people on here who have done it, but personally I wouldn't do it as it must be a bit of a palaver erecting frost protection for potatoes.

            Depends how big the first bed is that you've got cleared really mate. If it's fairly big you could chuck a few spuds in, protect from frost and see what happens and still have space for all the things suggested by Mr Postlethwaite above....he's right, a bit late for peas. (Finished harvesting mine today in fact - just over 4�lbs this year, all frozen for winter use, plenty of other stuff to eat from the plot at the mo.)
            Last edited by Vince G; 25-07-2013, 12:09 AM.
            Are y'oroight booy?


            • #7
              I'd definitely plant garlic around November, and autumn onion sets - they seem to do much better than the spring planted ones.

              I'm still sowing dwarf french beans (says august on the packets), and romanesco cauliflowers (followed by All Year Round in October I think the pack says), and some varieties of cabbage - something called Greyhound next. Also going to sow some carrots and beetroots - never tried them outside before, but I have covers ready for when it gets cold.
              sigpicGardening in France rocks!


              • #8
                Hello, Liam and welcome to the vine. Have fun with you new plot, whatever you decide to grow.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thelma Sanders View Post
                  It'll soon be time to get winter onion sets in
                  Jaysus Thelma...Let us enjoy the Summer first
                  I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                  ...utterly nutterly


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