Weeding is an ongoing task on the plot, and it can be difficult if you do not have the right equipment to hand.
If you leave your allotment, or garden veg patch untended for a few days, returning to it you may find it overrun with weeds. These plants will compete with your crops for space, water and nutrients from the soil, so it is important to keep this problem under control. It is best to take away annual weeds before they set seed, and with perennials the key is to remove the rootball, otherwise the plant will just regrow. There are various options available to get rid of weeds from your plot, including hand picking, running a hoe over the soil, or using specialist hand tools.
PRONGCROFT The Garden Prong, is one such tool. This uniquely-designed, lightweight product from Prongcroft Ltd aids easy extraction of weeds including the root ball from around the base of plants and shrubs, allowing the plant or shrub itself to remain undamaged. Along with this it also aerates the soil at the same time!
The tool head is made from two stainless steel prongs that are flat yet subtly curved – great for the tasks of weeding and soil aeration. The stainless steel makes the product sturdy and easy to use. The wooden handle is ash, sustainably recyclable and comfortable to hold as well, whether right or left handed.
Produced as short, medium or long-handled products, the three different versions of this tool means there is an option for a variety of tasks. The smallest length handle enables easy grip for working a large area. The medium-handled prong is ideal for using in raised beds and containers, while the longest length is great for veg patches, and due to its size the need to bend down to the ground is reduced. There is an option suitable for your gardening style, whether standing or kneeling, meaning these products are easy to use no matter your age or ability.
Ideal for all ages and levels of expertise, PRONGCROFT The Garden Prong comes in three sizes – short, medium and long handle, making it perfect for everything, from vegetable plots to patio pots. For more information go to prongcroft.co.uk
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