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The what makes you happy thread 2019


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  • #31
    Other half is one of an admin team on a face book group. The admin are all bickering like a bunch of school children at the moment . I get to listen in. It's very entertaining


    • #32
      Having my lovely grandson for the day.walked him in his buggy to Tesco and got lots of reduced fruit. Strawberries, mango, peaches. Chopped the lot up for desert..very tasty.

      And when your back stops aching,
      And your hands begin to harden.
      You will find yourself a partner,
      In the glory of the garden.

      Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


      • #33
        Freddie Mercury’s musical legacy
        Nannys make memories


        • #34
          About to get into bed when Mr Snoop asks, "So, has reading that seed catalogue changed your plans?" And it's true, there are quite a few things I'd like but none I need. And I say as much. To which he replies, "Go on, you should order what you fancy. No reason why not." So I present all the arguments: just different varieties of things I've already got, expensive seeds, transport costs from France, blah, blah. But no, he insists. If it's a one-off delivery charge, no matter what you order, just go ahead. So I will.


          • #35
            Watching the birds in the garden.
            Gangs of Long Tailed tits on the bird feeders outside the door and.............

            Bullfinches stripping the buds off the cherry tree. Some people would rant about it but I'm just happy to see them in the garden, glowing like baubles left over from some festive event last month.


            • #36
              Click image for larger version

Name:	20190120_165945.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	108.2 KB
ID:	2382099First ever attempt at Cornish pasties was a success!!!!


              • #37
                It’s snowing............., bring it on.
                I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                • #38
                  We got snow too.
                  My happy is not a lot
                  Last edited by Nannysally99; 22-01-2019, 07:18 PM.
                  Nannys make memories


                  • #39
                    We had a bit,my happy is gone away .
                    Also happy because my fingers are starting to twitch,with all things sowing
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • #40
                      Getting my car back all healthy....and clean
                      Finding a lovely, lovely mechanics
                      Being fussed over - it is a strange feeling but made a nice change.


                      • #41
                        A nuthatch on the bird feeder outside the window.

                        Finding an previously unsuspected reclamation yard ten minutes away, which had a scary container full of barrels and barrels of tools.... scored a long handled three-prong cultivator, a long handled squirly whirly rotating cast iron cultivator thingy, a grass hook, a solid steel fork, a trowel, a hand hoe/cultivator and a draw hoe for �25 all in.

                        Also picked up a lovely solid hardwood loveseat on Friendface marketplace. Bargain.


                        • #42
                          Ooooooooo. I've got a cute lil wasabi plant in a posh box. Makes me want to buy one as a gift but there is no one I know that would want one....what a shame.

                          Yay, yay, yay! for me


                          • #43
                            Spending time in the garden,crunchy under foot,i feel warm as toast in the sun,went to put new plants in,and started weeding with the hand fork,and cutting dead stalks back,planting as i go,very uplifting,only come in for a break and coffee.
                            sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                            • #44
                              Grapes who Report Spammers. Thanks LD


                              • #45
                                Finding that my Quince jelly, which was nasty and bitter in November, now tastes soft and sweet it also looks pretty pink in the jar


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