Ever since I moved here 11 years ago, there has been a beautiful Rowan tree just beyond my garden wall. I love Rowans for their appearence and more so for all their traditional and mystical associations. I went out today though... and it's gone
I can't see any decent reason for it being cut down, it was away from houses, not casting shade on any otherwise useful area... So sad!
However! About 18 months ago, it seeded a sapling into my garden. It wasn't really ideal at the time, given that it was directly behind my then husband's workshop and only replicated the view I essentially had anyway. I was reluctant to dispense with it altogether though, due to some lingering Celtic sensiblity
so I just tidied it up a bit. Now things have changed a little for me and I'd planned to get rid of the workshop and do some more planting there anyway. So, I'll have my own Rowan tree!
Witch tree, rowan tree, pretty mountain ash,
Protect me right well from storm, flood and flash;
Now do I beg of thee some wee twigs and leaves,
And pri`thee turn from me all harm and grief

However! About 18 months ago, it seeded a sapling into my garden. It wasn't really ideal at the time, given that it was directly behind my then husband's workshop and only replicated the view I essentially had anyway. I was reluctant to dispense with it altogether though, due to some lingering Celtic sensiblity

Witch tree, rowan tree, pretty mountain ash,
Protect me right well from storm, flood and flash;
Now do I beg of thee some wee twigs and leaves,
And pri`thee turn from me all harm and grief