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SAD B*stard !


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  • SAD B*stard !

    Ahhhh severe lack of sunshine

    Anyone used one of those hugely overpriced Light Box thingies

    I don't get SAD, but a sunny day always lifts my mood

  • #2
    I get think I get SAD- as soon as the nights start to draw in I just want to sleep from about 7pm, makes me so angry when there are so many nice things to do. I fight it but it just takes over, then I get, for the past two years I have changed my attitude, rather than get angry and stressed with myself I now think - Squirrel !
    Work hard in the summer and when weather is nice in the winter but sleep when things are grey and dull, I no longer beat myself up, and keep feeling guilty then saying sorry all the time to Mr HF because I am poor company of an evening.
    I found I was better than many a year past. Yes I did fall asleep but less early and not every night.....phew!
    For me its a really horrid, horrid thing, and makes me SAD!


    • #3
      We have had sunhine for about two weeks now in fact i cant remember the last time it rained. However today its drizzle grey and cold.
      Gardening ..... begins with daybreak
      and ends with backache


      • #4
        i feel great and dead motivated when the sun comes out, but i can definitely feel myself drop when it rains, and early nights are so frustrating, when you're on a roll, then suddenly realise you can't actually see anything ....... i hate winter, especially as we haven't even had summer yet

        never used a sad box, but it would be nice to get some even fake sun over the winter


        • #5
          I'm not too bad this side of Christmas, but I get a feeling of dread when I think of January/Feb. Two years ago I was reduced to tears on my birthday (in Feb), as I was so depressed and the Raynauds was causing me real grief. Like Headfry, for the last winter I just stopped fighting it and decided it didn't matter if the pony didn't get exercised on a freezing day - I spent the time either grooming them or digging the garden, which helped. I still get terribly depressed at this time of year, but I get up as early as possible and stay outside for as long as I can. Nap times are ok, but not allowed during daylight hours so as not to waste light. Must be doing something right, as I didn't cry once this winter!


          • #6
            Hey slugLobber I have bad Raynauds too, and some kind of secondary thing to go with it!
            I get to crying point also, I just get so frustrated. It really is a horrid feeling, trying so hard not to give into it!
            Yes, this side of Christmas is not so bad, but as you say Jan Feb and Mar too are really bad for me.
            No winter sailing, even summer has been bad - due to the Raynauds!


            • #7
              Why do the light boxes cost so much more than full spectrum bulbs ?

              I've just ordered so daylight ionizing doofs to test.

              Will post results soon !


              • #8
                Hey Maf...tell us more about them!

                This house in France has small south facing windows, so it's really quite dim indoors. I don't want loads of lights on ( thinking both of cost and being green)...but had actually considered the broad spectrum bulbs- one for each room. Maybe I should consider a 'light box thingy'?????
                What sort of cost are they- and what wattage?

                Ooohhhh....just thought...I could put my chilli plant under that would improve the fruit yield!
                Last edited by Nicos; 01-10-2008, 08:32 AM.
                "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                Location....Normandy France


                • #10
                  Hmmm...sort of thing I'd normally spend days researching before buying!

                  Let us know how you get on though...I'm very interested!
                  "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                  Location....Normandy France


                  • #11
                    just looked at the web site,i wonder if the so called energy efficiant ones are coursing more SAD,we have them in most rooms,they are no good when you want to see anything well,like sewing,or splinters,and yes they do make for a misserable feeling,especially when the curtains are closed and the rain beating on the glass,lol.
                    sigpicAnother nutter ,wife,mother, nan and nanan,love my growing places,seed collection and sharing,also one of these


                    • #12
                      I read somewhere that eating fresh, seasonal veg, helped SADS. Something to do with the nutrients we need at the time being in the produce. Loads of beta-carotine in swedes, pumpkins and the like and the vitamins available in cabbages and sprouts will do you more good than say a portion of frozen peas, (which do contain the correct balance of nutrients to keep us healthy in late spring and summer). I read this ages ago, so I can't remember whether it was serious research or some new-age theory, it's just a 'fact' I trundle out when someone asks why I grow my own and refuse to tuck into Peruvian asparagus in November.
                      Into each life some rain must fall........but this is getting ridiculous.


                      • #13
                        I don't mind the dark so much (although the days here do tend to be brighter) I go to bed much earlier in the winter, the cold gets me though - it hurts.
                        As a general rule I try not to stress too much about stuff I can't change - just accept things for being the way they are. Bluemoon has a point though, I think our bodies and nature know far more than Mr Tesco when it comes to what we need regarding winter nutrients.


                        • #14
                          I guess many moons ago, mankind would have slowed down in the winter months, that is nature. Now days we all but forget our primitive live style, we have pushed our day ever longer in order to get things or play! We should not feel so bad, as tootles says...'our bodies know best' and 'don't stress about stuff we cant change'
                          I say to myself's all about being 'seasonal' in all things!


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