Trousers and I have just got in from Babysitting Aunty Wellie's Little Twinkle Toes, and it's minus seven degrees out there. Bbbrrr!
Turn the cold water tap on, and cold water comes out.
Turn the hot water tap on, and no water comes out at all. Same upstairs as downstairs.
We have a combi-boiler.
Our central heating is working perfectly, so....
We're sat here scratching our heads.
Can anyone elighten us as to what's occurring? We feel a bit thick.
Please someone put us out of our misery and make us go 'DOH!'
Turn the cold water tap on, and cold water comes out.
Turn the hot water tap on, and no water comes out at all. Same upstairs as downstairs.
We have a combi-boiler.
Our central heating is working perfectly, so....
We're sat here scratching our heads.
Can anyone elighten us as to what's occurring? We feel a bit thick.
Please someone put us out of our misery and make us go 'DOH!'
